so the Black Pearl has a porno stache?
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My black DD build
So a little update, with pics later.....
I started making a new rear bumper/tire carrier all it needs is the tire carrier finished and the bumper tied in.
I got HD enginnering mid frame stiffiners one side is mostly installed right now.
And I just picked up some DPG Bump stop plates and a JCR steering box brace from Adam.
I will most likley be installing the bumps tomorow and maybe finishing up the stiffiners.
With that being said, it will be mostly done for OER. I not terribly concerned about the tire carrier being done for it but It would be nice. OO I got to fix that front brake before OER too.
Current future plans
Front and rear Stiffeners
d30 truss
Make/buy a HD crossmember
Brake upgrade(eventually)
Remake a front bumper(maybe)-Caleb
Crawl Daddy Champion 2011
1999 XJ 4 inchs of lift or so, 35s and some other stuff.
Ok heres another update. I finally fixed my fisted pinion bearings, took me a little longer than I expected but hey it was my first time doing it. In the time I also Finished my front frame stiffners and installed my OTA trac bar and mount, and new LCA bushings.
Before OER I installed DPG bump plates and a TNT HD crossmember. The Crossmember is nice because it raises the ground clearance and is pretty beefy. I still gotta do more bumpage in the front and back but bot to concerned.
Thats pretty much where it sits right now.
To Do
S.Y.E-At Dizzys
D30 Truss
Alloy Shafts
Who Knows....-Caleb
Crawl Daddy Champion 2011
1999 XJ 4 inchs of lift or so, 35s and some other stuff.
Here are the pics of the JCR quarter panel gaurds and lights. I still need to to get the 2.5 inch lights but no biggie im just running the smaller lights as turns for now.
-When I was fixing my rear axle I found out that my drivers side axle shaft spun and the splines are twisted, I really dont like that to much because it seems as it could be a weak point, so when I get my check this week Im going to order an alloy shaft for that side.
-At this point I still need to weld on my D30 truss that I got from ballistic, and install my SYE.
-Ive been thinking recently about getting beadlocks, but im not sure yet, if I find a good deal Ill get them.
-I also want to get a 10 inch travel Bilstien 7100 or Fox 2.0. Maybe run my 5150s thourgh the floor in the back.
O heres a pic of the MJ
Specs 88, 4.0, 5 speed, 4wd, SWB. Rotted to shit but for $330 I couldn't go wrong.
Last edited by Bigbike; 01-01-2011, 11:50 AM.-Caleb
Crawl Daddy Champion 2011
1999 XJ 4 inchs of lift or so, 35s and some other stuff.
Was this the MJ on craigslist for $400 around Thanksgiving?? I called that guy and left like 3 messages....... If it is, at least it went to a good home.
-1988 Comanche 31's, rot box
-1990 Comanche 35's, 44 locked, beater
-1977 F-250 Highboy 35's, gas pig
-2012 6.7 Powerstroke 37's, tow rig
The junkpile keeps growing!
Yes it was lol. I called the guy and he didnt call me back for like 5 days. It was kind of a spur of the moment buy. It has some frame rot but im just going to put angle Iron over it.-Caleb
Crawl Daddy Champion 2011
1999 XJ 4 inchs of lift or so, 35s and some other stuff.
Ok so, the WJ swap is almost done, I have to make the Tie rod I just made a little shorter, and bleed my brakes. Also getting some sweet camber, Im hoping once I get the toe-in correct the camber will go away.
Before Club Comp I need to
Get my WJ swap 100%
Weld on truss
Bump stops-Caleb
Crawl Daddy Champion 2011
1999 XJ 4 inchs of lift or so, 35s and some other stuff.