for the front, just spring over with waggy springs (moves axle 2 inch forwards). spring over is the best thing you can do for the front of your jeep. cheap/easy and it will ride nice and flex for days. your in willi so i would go down to smiths 4x4 on rt 32 in franklin and pick up a set of waggy axles (some even have the springs still attached). as for the rear, i would 4 link it with stock TJ coils (captured at both ends). i have seen a cj on this exact setup and it works fantastic.
where in willi are you? im in baltic btw
"when I'm riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive...when I stop riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive"
Muh jeep looks funny! I did the highline to the drivers side today and ran out of time so it looks like it has one eyebrow raised. I'll be raising the other fender on saturday and hopefully doing some work on the comp cut too. hope it stays warm for the next few days so the gaping holes I'm gonna cut in it don't freeze me on my way to work.
If you can buy the parts in a store, is it realy custom?
Finished high side on p/s friday and spent sunday fabbing up some flairs on the front.
Theese should keep the cops off my front end at least.
Next the comp cut...
Last edited by trained.monkey; 02-22-2009, 06:23 PM.
Reason: wrong pic
If you can buy the parts in a store, is it realy custom?
Optional: 1/8" diamond/ flat plate to finish flat tops to stock fender. ( not quite done with mine yet) using rubber / plastic on trailing edge since the tube makes for a nice step.
If you can buy the parts in a store, is it realy custom?
skin those and put some big tires on your jeep, stat!
I got off my ass and skinned the new rims and mounted my new (to me) tires yesterday. Today's snow was excuse enough to put them on and have them ballanced since I had a supprise day off.
Learned a new trail trick too, the fender beaces leftover from the high side mod make a good set of tire spoons.
Last edited by trained.monkey; 03-02-2009, 07:31 PM.
Reason: photo nosho
If you can buy the parts in a store, is it realy custom?