oh! and i forgot to mention, by winning the poison spyder girl contest, i get a gift certificate to them as well. since they dont make anything for WJs, or XJs...or any unibody jeep LOL...im probably going to get a diff cover for my 44 and paint it to match my jeep
mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum 2022 JL Rubicon
Originally posted by hoggie101
and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year
oh! and i forgot to mention, by winning the poison spyder girl contest, i get a gift certificate to them as well. since they dont make anything for WJs, or XJs...or any unibody jeep LOL...im probably going to get a diff cover for my 44 and paint it to match my jeep
BB arrived late last week...waiting on some 5100s & then hoping we can get to work on this thing!
thinking about getting a roof rack as well (similar to pete's). guide me in the right direction
Oh really now? get a cool light bar for the roof rack
2000 xj 4.5 clayton longarms with wontons with a touch of
97' zj
2012 surbra imperza DD
im a motivation machine like the hammer and sickle in communism