So after fixing all the bugs and getting my 96 XJ ready to wheel I discovered that both spring perches were about to rot away, I already knew the floors were shot, so took it to a couple of people who all said to start over so.........

Picked up a mint 2000 XJ with a shot engine, and I mean SHOT

factory rust painted engine internals

They even used that new fancy oil that's green and thick for better engine protection

Timing chain painted to match cranks, luckily this was also packed with the special thick green oil to keep it fresh

So along with the 2000 came a 2001 WJ 4.0 same engine block according to Jasper.....wrong after a week of drilling and tapping my buddy still has to shave off 1/8 of an inch off the left mounts to get the XJ alternator mount to sit flush, and still have to figure out the motor mount situation, calling Brown Dogg on Monday to see if he can make something up. Engine has 34k on it

Only get to wrench on it a few hours a day since I get out at 4 and have to drive 35mins to my friends house that was nice enough to let me use his driveway, gotta get it done before his wife gets fed up with 3 jeeps in various states of decay in her driveway.
Going to swap all my lift stuff over to the new XJ and part out the rest, only downside is the LP but I have (i think) an HP to swap in
any suggestions on getting the motor mounts to work?

Picked up a mint 2000 XJ with a shot engine, and I mean SHOT

factory rust painted engine internals

They even used that new fancy oil that's green and thick for better engine protection

Timing chain painted to match cranks, luckily this was also packed with the special thick green oil to keep it fresh

So along with the 2000 came a 2001 WJ 4.0 same engine block according to Jasper.....wrong after a week of drilling and tapping my buddy still has to shave off 1/8 of an inch off the left mounts to get the XJ alternator mount to sit flush, and still have to figure out the motor mount situation, calling Brown Dogg on Monday to see if he can make something up. Engine has 34k on it

Only get to wrench on it a few hours a day since I get out at 4 and have to drive 35mins to my friends house that was nice enough to let me use his driveway, gotta get it done before his wife gets fed up with 3 jeeps in various states of decay in her driveway.
Going to swap all my lift stuff over to the new XJ and part out the rest, only downside is the LP but I have (i think) an HP to swap in
any suggestions on getting the motor mounts to work?