"Watching you work on your Jeep is like watching a doctor operate on a cadaver...
It may be good practice, but in the end it won't do much good." -My Mother.
"Watching you work on your Jeep is like watching a doctor operate on a cadaver...
It may be good practice, but in the end it won't do much good." -My Mother.
"Watching you work on your Jeep is like watching a doctor operate on a cadaver...
It may be good practice, but in the end it won't do much good." -My Mother.
needs to be as flat as possible. no drop. I think stock TJ pitmans have less of a drop than a stock XJ now that I went out and took a look at kai's. so im thinking thats what i need.
and sorry Alex, the M&G would be 2 weeks after when i need it by. thanks tho.
"Watching you work on your Jeep is like watching a doctor operate on a cadaver...
It may be good practice, but in the end it won't do much good." -My Mother.