I have two perfectly good functioning phones for sale. A nextel/motorola HD rubber and fake diamond plate body. 1 year old, normal wear and tear. screens are good and relatively scratch free. Can use mini san disk drive, has a 1.5 mega pixel camera yadda yadda, comes with 3 wall chargers 1 car charger. owners manual and such and 1 brand new unused sim card. Dirt, shock and water resistant.
Can get more details if needed. $60. Was $300 new a year ago. (i paid full price too)
I also have a Motorola Razor, black for cingular/at&t. has a crack on camera lens that does not effect it at all. Phone only nothing else. Can still get accessories etc for it. $25
Can get more details if needed. $60. Was $300 new a year ago. (i paid full price too)
I also have a Motorola Razor, black for cingular/at&t. has a crack on camera lens that does not effect it at all. Phone only nothing else. Can still get accessories etc for it. $25