"Watching you work on your Jeep is like watching a doctor operate on a cadaver...
It may be good practice, but in the end it won't do much good." -My Mother.
"Watching you work on your Jeep is like watching a doctor operate on a cadaver...
It may be good practice, but in the end it won't do much good." -My Mother.
"Watching you work on your Jeep is like watching a doctor operate on a cadaver...
It may be good practice, but in the end it won't do much good." -My Mother.
"Watching you work on your Jeep is like watching a doctor operate on a cadaver...
It may be good practice, but in the end it won't do much good." -My Mother.
SIS official beer pong rules
10 cups, 2 beers
Rollbacks are live until they hit anything but the table or a player, behind the back shots
Bounce shots = 2 cups
Balls back when both players make shot
Girls blow, guys flick
2 racks on 6,4,3,2
Air balls are live, catch em for a cup
Rebuttals played
2 balls same cup gets 3 cups and balls back
Kill/satellite cup rule applies, offensive team makes ball in player holding unfinished cup = game over
I grunt every time i take the milk outta the fridge. Im 80. end of story.
"Watching you work on your Jeep is like watching a doctor operate on a cadaver...
It may be good practice, but in the end it won't do much good." -My Mother.