As some of you may know or may not, I have been looking for an XJ for some time. Since, around November. Been searching CL, local and what not.
So, this morning we go out to check out one from CL and one at Brewster ford. We get to Brewster ford at about 11am. Rick (salesmen) tells us it is being detailed and to come back at 1pm. So we go to look at the one from CL. I call the guy up and he tells me to meet him in a parking lot on Rt. 6 in Mayopack. So, after about 20 min of waiting he calls me and says "are you at the spot" I said yeah.....
So he shows up 5 min later and this random guy goes "you here about the jeep" yeah... So we have to follow him for 10 min. Now I do not know why he didn't just direct us to his house.. But anyway. We get there and the jeep is clearly NOT the same one posted on craigslist. It is not even the same color...
The whole interior was ripped up, check engine light on, rusted rockers, oil leaking everywhere. He goes $4500 and its yours. So we just said, Oh we are looking at another one etc etc.
Got back to Brewster Ford, and they had the Jeep ready. Turned out to be a 1999 Black XJ. Took it for a test drive and bought it. 93k Miles. Picking it up on tuesday. No PiX sorry.
It has a Np242 though so a SYE is going to be a fucking pain.
Did get a picture of their Saleen they had.

Good Day.
So, this morning we go out to check out one from CL and one at Brewster ford. We get to Brewster ford at about 11am. Rick (salesmen) tells us it is being detailed and to come back at 1pm. So we go to look at the one from CL. I call the guy up and he tells me to meet him in a parking lot on Rt. 6 in Mayopack. So, after about 20 min of waiting he calls me and says "are you at the spot" I said yeah.....

Got back to Brewster Ford, and they had the Jeep ready. Turned out to be a 1999 Black XJ. Took it for a test drive and bought it. 93k Miles. Picking it up on tuesday. No PiX sorry.

It has a Np242 though so a SYE is going to be a fucking pain.
Did get a picture of their Saleen they had.

Good Day.
