Will- for letting me stay on his couch and superior skills for the SIStok supah sweet vid
Nicole- for the awesum baked cooks and nom nom cup cakes and making the sexayy wavy motion with her arms while I was singing my heart out in SIStok
Courtney- for the awesum baked goods And the supah NOM brownies and snickerdoodles and for making the sexayy wavy motion while I was singing my heart out in SIStok
Andrew- for letting me steal his rig and whelllll it with his supah sick bfgoodrichmickeythompsoncooperdiscovererstttreadwr ighttailrapertreapdorcompstickycreepycrawlers and for letting me take a backseat around the great town of Fairfield CT.
Pete-For reminding me of Andrew
Steve- for the soda pop at the pub
Ben and Jessica at the pub-for bringing their cute yellow lab puppies that were more ginger. and for being completely blitzed.
Phil- for the loudest phawking voice in the world and for the
Jon Maru- for letting me ride a life size motor scooter.
DILLIOONNN- for the bam margera style compund and the supah sique nasty gnar gnar band.
Adam and Sam and all the bro's/broski's- for being so bro it makes my face hurt
The dood who brought the turkey frier thingy- for bringing the turkey frier thingy cuz the turkey was nom.
Fred hoffenturkeystuffing8000dollarbmwdriver- for having an awesum shirt that is awesum
Matt Zullo- for giving me a warm welcome to Ct. lol (no homo)
For every one else who came to the meet and greet- for coming to the meet and greet.
And Jackie- you suck because you did not come to the meet and greet.
Nicole- for the awesum baked cooks and nom nom cup cakes and making the sexayy wavy motion with her arms while I was singing my heart out in SIStok
Courtney- for the awesum baked goods And the supah NOM brownies and snickerdoodles and for making the sexayy wavy motion while I was singing my heart out in SIStok
Andrew- for letting me steal his rig and whelllll it with his supah sick bfgoodrichmickeythompsoncooperdiscovererstttreadwr ighttailrapertreapdorcompstickycreepycrawlers and for letting me take a backseat around the great town of Fairfield CT.
Pete-For reminding me of Andrew
Steve- for the soda pop at the pub
Ben and Jessica at the pub-for bringing their cute yellow lab puppies that were more ginger. and for being completely blitzed.
Phil- for the loudest phawking voice in the world and for the

Jon Maru- for letting me ride a life size motor scooter.

DILLIOONNN- for the bam margera style compund and the supah sique nasty gnar gnar band.
Adam and Sam and all the bro's/broski's- for being so bro it makes my face hurt
The dood who brought the turkey frier thingy- for bringing the turkey frier thingy cuz the turkey was nom.
Fred hoffenturkeystuffing8000dollarbmwdriver- for having an awesum shirt that is awesum
Matt Zullo- for giving me a warm welcome to Ct. lol (no homo)
For every one else who came to the meet and greet- for coming to the meet and greet.
And Jackie- you suck because you did not come to the meet and greet.
