With the pain you have to remind yourself the ends justify the means. Its there forever so for an hour of pain you have a lifetime with your body art. I will say this though, that your neck and underarms are by far the most painful spots to get done.
Sergeant Sergeant Master Sergeant Shooter Person
MS Paint " Its like painting with a sauce covered piece of pasta".
With the pain you have to remind yourself the ends justify the means. Its there forever so for an hour of pain you have a lifetime with your body art. I will say this though, that your neck and underarms are by far the most painful spots to get done.
Well my right arm/chest is 50 hours so far, and I still have about 5 more and I plan on doing lot more... I wonder what my older brothers gonna be at when he's done... he's been going twice a month for awhile now until he's done, he's getting a full body suit. lol