Look at this shit! I got a PM on JF from some guy letting me know some magazine is using my work without my consent, gave me phone numbers, page numbers, so on, talk about a nice dude... and the magazine names and the product in it. The mag seems like it isnt involved, its an ad in the mag from a separate company...so i did some google looking, and this is what I came up with.

Unreal. Bastards stole my XJ photoshop work, and just slapped it on their boxing and website after editing out the text I had on it.
I need to figure out how to pursue this.
The guy who sent me the PM called them to ask about it and they said:
You kidding me?

Unreal. Bastards stole my XJ photoshop work, and just slapped it on their boxing and website after editing out the text I had on it.
I need to figure out how to pursue this.
The guy who sent me the PM called them to ask about it and they said:
i called and asked them about it they said it was a real jeep produced in the 80's