As I lay Dying = Awesome
Do you like Devil Wears Prada? They are pretty good and so is Oh Sleeper.
devil wears prada isn't bad.
i was so excited when i saw the lineup for that show though, LoG, AILD, and CoB are some of my favorite bands.
huge fan of All that Remains(not the new stuff so much), Pantera, Kataklysm, Arch Enemy, Bleeding Through, and Unearth.
i been into alot of rock though lately though, ie alice in chains, shinedown, theory of a deadman, saving able, seether, airbourne, buckcherry, pearl jam, puddle of mudd, staind...... that stuff. basically 106.9 keeps me happy.
No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.
ForSure Motorsports
Win or Lose, We Booze.
Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers