so i can just link people to this when they ask me.
i was driving along on route 2 in colchester
i hear a bang
jeep dies
i see smoke.
I think it's steam so im like "shit blew a hose, fml"
I pull over, as i stop i see fire.
I pray that my hood opens (with the frotn end tweaked it gets stuck from time to time) luckily it opened. I prop up the hood and im greeted with a roaring fire, billowing from the drivers side of the engine bay, flames as high as the hood.
I drown that shit with my fire extinguisher.
Some guy pulls up in a red pos caravan asks me if im alright then "blesses" me
I check out the damage, a few holes in the oil pan, a few dents in the oil pan, front left side of the block is all sorts of tweaked and cracked. fuel line ruptured somehow
header that was never cracked, is now cracked.
main wiring harness is partially melted
some random hoses melted.
then a different red van pulls up and its like deja vu, does the same thing the last guy did.
As Im waiting for AAA like a half dozen lifted jeeps drive by.
And why do some people lay on their horn as they pass you when you are obviously broken down on the side of the road? do they want me to move over further?
i was driving along on route 2 in colchester
i hear a bang
jeep dies
i see smoke.
I think it's steam so im like "shit blew a hose, fml"
I pull over, as i stop i see fire.
I pray that my hood opens (with the frotn end tweaked it gets stuck from time to time) luckily it opened. I prop up the hood and im greeted with a roaring fire, billowing from the drivers side of the engine bay, flames as high as the hood.
I drown that shit with my fire extinguisher.
Some guy pulls up in a red pos caravan asks me if im alright then "blesses" me
I check out the damage, a few holes in the oil pan, a few dents in the oil pan, front left side of the block is all sorts of tweaked and cracked. fuel line ruptured somehow
header that was never cracked, is now cracked.
main wiring harness is partially melted
some random hoses melted.
then a different red van pulls up and its like deja vu, does the same thing the last guy did.
As Im waiting for AAA like a half dozen lifted jeeps drive by.
And why do some people lay on their horn as they pass you when you are obviously broken down on the side of the road? do they want me to move over further?