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I hate my job

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  • I hate my job

    Let me tell you about the people i work with.

    First, there is this supermodel wanna-be chick. Yeah, okay, she is pretty hot, but fuck is she completely useless. The girl is constantly fixing her hair or putting on makeup. She is extremely self-centered and has never once considered the needs or wants of anyone but herself. She is as dumb as a box of rocks, and I still find it surprising that she has enough brain power to continue to breath.

    The next chick is completely the opposite. She might even be one of the smartest people on the planet. Her career oppertunities are endless, and yet she is here with us. She is a zero on a scale of 1 to 10. I'm not sure she even showers, much less shaves her "womanly" parts. I think she might be a lesbian, because every time we drive by the hardware store, she moans like a cat in heat.

    But the jewel of the crowd has got to be the fucking stoner. And this guy is more than just your average pothead. In fact, he is baked before he comes to work, during work, and I'm sure after work. He probably hasn't been sober anytime in the last ten years, and he's only 22. He dresses like a beatnik throwback from the 1960's, and to make things worse, he brings his big fucking dog to work. Every fucking day I have to look at this huge Great Dane walk around half-stoned from the second-hand smoke. Hell, sometimes I even think it's trying to talk with its constant bellowing. Also, both of them are constantly hungry, requiring multiple stops to McDonalds and Burger King, every single fucking day.

    Anyway, I drive these fucktards around in my van and we solve mysteries and shit.
    1996 xj, waggy 44 front 5.13 gears aussie trussed, 3 links, 3.5" coils, spooled 8.8 rear, 38" tsl sx's, tnt front bumper, jesus freaks rear bumper, Olympic top hat roof rack, bunch of dumb shit
    2001 wj tbd
    1974 5 ton

  • #2


    • #3
      do you wear a neckerchief at work?
      I drive a Datsun


      • #4
        Originally posted by Burton58 View Post
        do you wear a neckerchief at work?
        indeed you got some sort of problem with neckerchiefs?
        1996 xj, waggy 44 front 5.13 gears aussie trussed, 3 links, 3.5" coils, spooled 8.8 rear, 38" tsl sx's, tnt front bumper, jesus freaks rear bumper, Olympic top hat roof rack, bunch of dumb shit
        2001 wj tbd
        1974 5 ton


        • #5


          • #6

            Official Space Shuttle Door Gunner of the Chechnyan Space Program


            • #7
              Originally posted by raze1287 View Post



              • #8
                if i gave a shit about your job i might have read this but i dont so i dident. this is an offroad site lets keep it on track ok. thanks.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by JoeNitro View Post
                  if i gave a shit about your job i might have read this but i dont so i dident. this is an offroad site lets keep it on track ok. thanks.

                  Saawwwing and a miss.
                  2000 XJ
                  2000 A.C.E. 750


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JoeNitro View Post
                    if i gave a shit about your job i might have read this but i dont so i dident. this is an offroad site lets keep it on track ok. thanks.
                    why did you come back again?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by JoeNitro View Post
                      if i gave a shit about your job i might have read this but i dont so i dident. this is an offroad site lets keep it on track ok. thanks.
                      This has nothing to do with my job you retard. This is the shenanigans forum shenanigans meaning that any thing goes. This was just something funny i came across and decided to post. Seriously I think that all the monster you have been drinking has seriously begun to screw with your head. The thread you started as if you needed another reason'' which is usually followed by to "hate me", was asking for either attention or to be shit on. In all honesty it is all in good fun everyone is screwing with you and you just need to relax.
                      1996 xj, waggy 44 front 5.13 gears aussie trussed, 3 links, 3.5" coils, spooled 8.8 rear, 38" tsl sx's, tnt front bumper, jesus freaks rear bumper, Olympic top hat roof rack, bunch of dumb shit
                      2001 wj tbd
                      1974 5 ton


                      • #12
                        screwing with someone and pokeing jokes is tollarabel and exspected on here i know that. but for you to go on spaming my thread just cuz you dont care or is not interested in what i posted isnt cool. some ppl have an interest in my stuff so if you dont fine poke a joke say what you will i exspect that but then shut up we get it ok move on.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by JoeNitro View Post
                          screwing with someone and pokeing jokes is tollarabel and exspected on here i know that. but for you to go on spaming my thread just cuz you dont care or is not interested in what i posted isnt cool. some ppl have an interest in my stuff so if you dont fine poke a joke say what you will i exspect that but then shut up we get it ok move on.
                          what did you say? You seem to have a vagina, everyone on here has had threads derailed/ spammed and they all suck it up and move on. They do not cry about it nor do they throw a tantrum and respond with
                          Originally posted by JoeNitro View Post
                          go fuck yourself.
                          seriously dude suck it the fuck up
                          1996 xj, waggy 44 front 5.13 gears aussie trussed, 3 links, 3.5" coils, spooled 8.8 rear, 38" tsl sx's, tnt front bumper, jesus freaks rear bumper, Olympic top hat roof rack, bunch of dumb shit
                          2001 wj tbd
                          1974 5 ton


                          • #14
                            i dont hang around here all day and shit on all the useless things you post, im not even going to get a list going cuz im not gonna be that guy but you know what i mean. now i know it looks like im crying and my pussys got sand in it cuz you made fun of my truck but im not just trying to possibly open your eyes alil.

                            if you can post stupid shit so can i as can everyone else.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by JoeNitro View Post
                              i dont hang around here all day and shit on all the useless things you post, im not even going to get a list going cuz im not gonna be that guy but you know what i mean. now i know it looks like im crying and my pussys got sand in it cuz you made fun of my truck but im not just trying to possibly open your eyes alil.

                              if you can post stupid shit so can i as can everyone else.
                              I have no problems with posting stupid stuff, i have a problem when people cry about it. What do i need to open my eyes about? I think that you do. Did you notice my "open letter" to will was derailed into a bashing session against you. I think you should open your eyes and look into a dictionary. By all means go ahead posting stupid stuff but please do not get all butt hurt when someone does not agree with you and please try using spell check when you post. Most of your threads get derailed by a "reader" who is having difficulty reading your posts.
                              1996 xj, waggy 44 front 5.13 gears aussie trussed, 3 links, 3.5" coils, spooled 8.8 rear, 38" tsl sx's, tnt front bumper, jesus freaks rear bumper, Olympic top hat roof rack, bunch of dumb shit
                              2001 wj tbd
                              1974 5 ton

