SO I WAS PRETTY SET ON GETTING DONE FOR OER... well i was reasembling everything after paint, and went to put my diff cover on the 14 bolt. i went to spin it on jackstands, and somehow a jackstand kicked out. my finger got caught in the yoke and the next thing i knew i covered everything with blood.
Pretty much the 14 bolt smooshed my finger, crushed the bone, my skin was all ripped.... i guess the way it is right now, its VERRRRY prone to infection to the bones and stuff... and im home bound for atleast a week. kinda freaked me out when he went to Novocaine it up and i watched the needle go through to the other side and squirt out.
and pics cuz it happened after i cleaned it up a bit....

it was funny cuz the doc wanted my mom to run to walmart to grab some fast orange.

Pretty much the 14 bolt smooshed my finger, crushed the bone, my skin was all ripped.... i guess the way it is right now, its VERRRRY prone to infection to the bones and stuff... and im home bound for atleast a week. kinda freaked me out when he went to Novocaine it up and i watched the needle go through to the other side and squirt out.
and pics cuz it happened after i cleaned it up a bit....

it was funny cuz the doc wanted my mom to run to walmart to grab some fast orange.
