I just got supprise orders for 270 days in Iraq, in the middle of my 3 year shore duty tour... Looks like I won't be needing the why-j for about a year.
If you can buy the parts in a store, is it realy custom?
I'll probably just give it to my little bro. The upshot is tax free hazardous duty pay the whole time i'm there. If/ when i get back I'm getting something better!
If you can buy the parts in a store, is it realy custom?
we have a charity benefit run in july for club service members/the military in general...get me your info when you know it and we will add you to the list of care package receivers
we have a charity benefit run in july for club service members/the military in general...get me your info when you know it and we will add you to the list of care package receivers
if you need my contact info otherwise lemme know
Will I feel like your skills have gone down hill, thats a 9 month deployment. Army generally range from 12 to 18.
Good Luck Monkey!
You better decide if you are hanging on the cross, or banging in the nails