I get weird enough dreams as it is.... like when I dream my jeep is done..... which is often followed by "shit i woke up, maybe if i pretend to myself im asleep it will come back"
ive had to take allergie shots for the last 7 years 8 shots in each arm every month..still have them..almost time to put my ac in thats the only thing that helps me
I feel your pain. Last week my drug regiment went like this; 1 Claritin in the morning. 1 Mucinex every 4 to 6 hours during the day. 2 Sudafed when after work ( and sometimes during work if my head was going to explode ). 2 sprays of nasonex in the morning and at night. Afrin nasal spray a few days also and Nyquil at night. And Singulair at night... and my inhaler a few times.
I've improved this week though. Strictly claritin, nasonex, sudafed, singulair, and aleve this week!
I feel your pain. Last week my drug regiment went like this; 1 Claritin in the morning. 1 Mucinex every 4 to 6 hours during the day. 2 Sudafed when after work ( and sometimes during work if my head was going to explode ). 2 sprays of nasonex in the morning and at night. Afrin nasal spray a few days also and Nyquil at night. And Singulair at night... and my inhaler a few times.
I've improved this week though. Strictly claritin, nasonex, sudafed, singulair, and aleve this week!
i'm gonna stop complaining about having to take claritin & nighttime meds...i would lose my mind if i had to take all of that!
mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum 2022 JL Rubicon
Originally posted by hoggie101
and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year
the majorory of my dreams consist of me driving, and either having terrible brakes, or no brakes
not a fun feeling
I had like 4 of those last week LOL
Originally posted by Fast Orange
if you piss all over the floor and get 3 drops in the bowl do you count that as good? granted i'm good for a sprinkle or two on the seat, but you leave all of our feet wet, metaphorically speaking of course
Originally posted by HitItWithSomeSpeed
I find adam sandler strangely attractive, it must be josh's fault. god that kid sucks