For the last couple weeks I've have had to walk past this at the local Shop Rite. I love Bulleit bourban and have wanted a whiskey barrel for my place for a while now. But, buying them online is like $400. No thanks. So, today I saw them kind of sitting off to the side so I figured I'd ask the girl behind the counter what I could do to take one home. She pretty much just said pull your car up to the back and it's yours. I bought her a $25 bottle of midnight moon cherries for her troubles. I'm as giddy as the first day Hux took a dick. Now I just need a man room to put it in.
Anyone else ever score anything like this? Not even liquor related, but any other freebie? Win anything awesome?
Anyone else ever score anything like this? Not even liquor related, but any other freebie? Win anything awesome?