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Forum speed problems

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  • Forum speed problems

    I am in the process of fixing it, I was gone for a week on a trip and didnt have access to a computer to do so until now. I have been in touch with our host where the problem originates and am working on a solution with them. Hope it is back up and running normally tomorrow, sorry it has been crappy guys.
    - Will

    Originally posted by fizzy
    or am asians pants not a read end lol.
    Originally posted by DizzDizz
    aliens probed my husband

  • #2

    2000 XJ - it still almost looks like one.


    • #3
      Everyone thank Kyle (above) for fixing the forum. Our host was no help and I gave him the login info and he made it done. Apparently the image resizer plug in was killing us.
      - Will

      Originally posted by fizzy
      or am asians pants not a read end lol.
      Originally posted by DizzDizz
      aliens probed my husband


      • #4
        WOOO! this makes me happy. thank you Kyle!!!
        mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
        2022 JL Rubicon

        Originally posted by hoggie101
        and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


        • #5
          Official Space Shuttle Door Gunner of the Chechnyan Space Program


          • #6
            Welcome the Fuck back!!!!!!!!! Longest week of my lifeeee HooooooAhhhhh!!!

            Hux is still gay

            Dizzy loves slurping some man meat

            Caleb is parting his shit out, by shit I mean jeep, not sifting through crap trying to find his soul

            Patrono has joined the ranks of the Elderly Pirates of America Club

            Maru is still lost at Sea in the E-fishin-sea, ironic, I know.

            Andrew has become a #CCL aka Crazy Cat Lady

            I still owe Luning $100 and beer, and haven't forgot.... for the moment.

            Andy, I wish I could, but these days even i'd be lucky if I got a discount on anything at Jew's-R-US Offroad


            Syria is about to feel the rath of freedom, here we come brown bitches!

            I still twerk better than Miley Cyrus

            No matter how sweet a ZJ can be, it still only one tire fires like a bitch jeep ehhhhemmm mr miller

            Ohh yea and btw, I just drank Octoberfest, which means it's fall and y'all niggas are still the whitest people I know.

            No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

            ForSure Motorsports
            Win or Lose, We Booze.

            Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


            • #7
              all the leaves are falling at our house. it makes me sad
              mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
              2022 JL Rubicon

              Originally posted by hoggie101
              and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


              • #8
                Originally posted by Zullock Holmes View Post
                Welcome the Fuck back!!!!!!!!! Longest week of my lifeeee HooooooAhhhhh!!!

                Hux is still gay

                Dizzy loves slurping some man meat

                Caleb is parting his shit out, by shit I mean jeep, not sifting through crap trying to find his soul

                Patrono has joined the ranks of the Elderly Pirates of America Club

                Maru is still lost at Sea in the E-fishin-sea, ironic, I know.

                Andrew has become a #CCL aka Crazy Cat Lady

                I still owe Luning $100 and beer, and haven't forgot.... for the moment.

                Andy, I wish I could, but these days even i'd be lucky if I got a discount on anything at Jew's-R-US Offroad

                It's Otte's Birthday! HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY OTTE, YOU AWESOME BASTARD!!

                Syria is about to feel the rath of freedom, here we come brown bitches!

                I still twerk better than Miley Cyrus

                No matter how sweet a ZJ can be, it still only one tire fires like a bitch jeep ehhhhemmm mr miller

                Ohh yea and btw, I just drank Octoberfest, which means it's fall and y'all niggas are still the whitest people I know.

                This post will live forever
                Originally posted by HitItWithSomeSpeed
                didnt this thread start with Jon being gay? what happened to that?
                Originally posted by Lawn Guyland
                he's still gay we've just moved on to more important issues
                Originally posted by Zullius Caesar
                i grab dude's junk all the time, doesn't make me gay.


                • #9
                  Zillion that post brings a tear to my eye lo
                  Dizz dizz go sleep sleep

                  Driver 4677 FSM vehicle


                  • #10
                    And Caleb is wasted and apparently I have to call his jump off lol
                    Dizz dizz go sleep sleep

                    Driver 4677 FSM vehicle


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DizzDizz View Post
                      And Caleb is wasted and apparently I have to call his jump off lol
                      Jump? As in suicide??

                      Wow, that's a bummer they sent you.

                      No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

                      ForSure Motorsports
                      Win or Lose, We Booze.

                      Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


                      • #12
                        Lol Kyle thank u very much.

                        Ill post drunk Caleb videos soon
                        Dizz dizz go sleep sleep

                        Driver 4677 FSM vehicle

