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Moab/CO wheelin trip

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  • Moab/CO wheelin trip

    So I finally got some pictures uploaded and wanted to share the amazing trip out west.

    On May 30th I set out on a cross-country journey in my jeep to meet up with a bunch of guys from jeepforum to wheel 7 straight days in Colorado and Moab! The excitement had been building for months and it was finally time to start the long 3 day drive out there.

    Leaving after work on that thursday I had a 6 hour drive in front of me to reach Maryland. Once in Maryland I would stay the night and meetup with my friend Mike Friday morning and we would continue the 27 hour drive to Denver Co. Other then a slight hickup and having to replace my ceized front passenger caliper I had arrived in one piece.

    The next morning began the 12+ hour drives to reach Colorado by Sat night inorder to run a trail on Sunday. Mike had been working on his rig around the clock to finally get it on his trailer and get on the road. The drive was long, boring, and for me very loud. Our next stop was St louis!

    We hit bits of traffic here and there but the real delay came 90minutes outside of St louis and our hotel for the night. As if the day hadnt been long enough reports of tornados ripping through the city and headed our way had us scratching our head what to do. After much deliberation we set out 20 miles west directly into the tornados to get a highway that ran south and away from the storms to a different hotel an hour away. Those 20 miles directly into the storms were scary as ****. I cant really describe how much rain we were going through other then describing it as driving through a pool. The winds were whipping like crazy but we made it out alive .

    After some much needed rest we set out early the next morning hoping we can make it to Denver, 15 hours away! I still dont quite know how I did it considering we had to stop every 2 hours for gas but we did. Showed up at another buddies (another Mike but I call him Quigley) uncles shop at 10pm to do some last minute odds and ends like adding diff fluid to Mikes rig so he could make sure it even drove . We stayed up until almost 2am before leaving the shop and heading to bed.

    The following morning, Sunday June 2nd it was time to wheel! We got up around 7am and met up with some of Quigleys buddies to hit up the Independence trail system. On to the pics!

    airing down...we had 2 yotas, 2 ljs, and 3 tjs

    Dropping into the Liberty trailhead

    The beginning of the end for this'll see what I mean

    reaching the end of Liberty where it meets up with Patriot and Independence.

    a glimpse of what Patriot has to offer

    05 Black Rubicon

  • #2
    So this is where Terry decided he wanted to run Patriot (a very difficult climb)

    And this is where he broke his **** and made the day very very long. :shhh:

    Not knowing how badly broke Terry was Mike clearly wanted to run this awesome trail and dove right in!

    pretty sure this is where Mike tells mike "yeah hes stuck and not going anywhere so mine as well jump out"

    I was a bit hesitant just looking at the trail if I wanted to run it especially being the first day of a long week of wheelin but now especially with Terrys rig broke and stuck I turned around and ran Liberty back up. I actually enjoyed going up Liberty alot better.

    climbing out the entrance

    I didnt realize I had this shot but this is where some dude in a grand cherokee tried turning around to drag Terry out and sheared off his front pinion I believe. So now theres 2 broke *** rigs in front of Mike.

    Incase people are curious Terrys green rubicon looked like he broke a rear axle shaft, potentially his rear locker, both rear shocks were crushed, one shock mount tore off the axle, and his stock steering was destroyed turning those 37s.

    Mike getting through with no problems!

    I believe they call this obstacle A-hole

    7 hours later everyone was off the trail and we were heading to moab!

    05 Black Rubicon


    • #3
      a few more of Mike climbing out of Patriot

      05 Black Rubicon


      • #4
        It was about 7pm when we finally got off the trail and headed to the gas station to fuel up, grab a bite to eat and head out. With the original plan to be on the road by 3pmish blown out of the water the plan now was to drive as far as we could before wanting to fall asleep. Well with a 6 hour drive to moab and not getting on the road till 9 we made it about 1 hour before the sleep deprevation kicked in and we had to find a hotel for the night.

        The next morning we were up bright and early and on our way to Moab!

        views through Colorado

        Starting to get out of the mountains

        the surroundings were soon changing and the red rock was starting to appear

        Finally made it to Moab!

        So after a 5 hour drive we arrived in moab for about 1pm. Pulled up in the city market, fueled up and gave the rest of the guys a call to see where they were at. After several tries we got a hold of Greg (Gbeasley) who told us they were climbing top of the world and werent going to be back in town for a couple hours. No problem at all! But Mike and I werent just going to sit there and wait... We were in Moab lets go run some trails!

        Fins and things was fun, nothing very difficult but I nice introduction to the Moab slick rock with a lot of steep climbs and decents that quickly makes you notice the amount of traction that can be had.

        Having fun climbing some walls

        this ledge was a pretty steep drop and threw my camera and tools toward the front of the jeep

        05 Black Rubicon


        • #5
          Cant get enough of the views

          So we finished up Fins and Things at around 4ish I believe and then metup with Art and Nate to run Hells Revenge!

          The initial climb


          trying to keep up with Arts blistering pace

          Hells gate ( I have more video then pics of this obstacle)

          I'd just like to give a shout out to my amazing spotters when I went up who were pointing in opposite directions! Thanks Art and Mike
          05 Black Rubicon


          • #6
            More of Hells Revenge

            Art going in for a bath

            Checking out Escalator (videos to come)

            Top-over challenge

            more random shots

            finishing up the day

            It was a great first day in Moab! Had an amazing time but the best was still yet to come!
            05 Black Rubicon


            • #7
              Looks like it was an awesome adventure


              • #8
                It absolutely was...I have a lot more pictures to share once I upload them all
                05 Black Rubicon


                • #9
                  I done did that too!

                  Is it egg nog season yet?


                  • #10
                    Nice trip!

                    Had to do a quick double take..from some angles Mike's rig looks like a lot like a guys we ran with this year out there

                    - Will

                    Originally posted by fizzy
                    or am asians pants not a read end lol.
                    Originally posted by DizzDizz
                    aliens probed my husband


                    • #11
                      haha wow those are very similar!
                      05 Black Rubicon


                      • #12
                        Hells gate...the pics make it look scary as shit....ive got few buddies that ran it and said its no biggie due to the extreme traction....are they bullshitting me or is it really that sticky out there???
                        99 XJ on tons and 40s....


                        • #13
                          SUPER JELLY

                          97 TJ that I think is pretty neat.


                          • #14
                            that's awesome man. good for you for getting out there.
                            Hack Shack Racing #4632 Jeep TJ


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by kracker View Post
                              Hells gate...the pics make it look scary as shit....ive got few buddies that ran it and said its no biggie due to the extreme traction....are they bullshitting me or is it really that sticky out there???
                              well it is insane the amount of traction you get out there for sure. You can climb some really steep shit that you can never do on the east coast.

                              Hellsgate isnt very difficult until you get toward the top where you see a lot of those youtube videos of people rolling. For stock wheelbase Tjs especially its critical to hug the passenger side at the top so you pass rear tire doesnt dip in a hole and cause your front end to come up. You'll see more of what I mean when i post a video.

                              Originally posted by CumminsJeep View Post
                              SUPER JELLY
                              Originally posted by konastinky1234 View Post
                              that's awesome man. good for you for getting out there.
                              05 Black Rubicon

