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  • 24

    Has anyone been watching this goddamn show? From what i've heard the show lost a ton of viewers. All i know is this season is bad. fucking. ass.

    Every week they know how to leave my ass hanging off a god damn cliff 3 thousand feet high waiting for the next week

  • #2
    i have seen every episode this year ( i have tonight tivo'ed).
    it has its goods and bads. i still like it though
    "when I'm riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive...when I stop riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive"


    • #3
      first two were great, then it got a little carried away
      4x4 Station Wagon...


      • #4
        I use to watch it all the time, i havent seen the last two seasons. It just got to crazy for me and I had to take a break. Jack Bauer is the man, every cell phone he steals, finds, gets has everyones number on speed dial
        You better decide if you are hanging on the cross, or banging in the nails


        • #5
          Originally posted by Saharicon View Post
          I use to watch it all the time, i havent seen the last two seasons. It just got to crazy for me and I had to take a break. Jack Bauer is the man, every cell phone he steals, finds, gets has everyones number on speed dial
          always has service too. ALWAYS!
          1993 XJ sport 3.5" rustys 33" MTZ's armored.
          1999 sierra
          1967 M725 Big and Slow

