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This will happen if Obama gets a second term.

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  • #16
    Basic economics, business' pay less taxes, therefore have more money to pay more employees (more workers with higher salaries). More employees, netting more money equals higher income tax revenues.

    Allowing companies to drill for oil on American land provides for billions of dollars of federal revenue, none of which is being obtained by the current administration's blocking of drilling permits. Making power from coal reserves will drastically cut oil prices as well, sorry obama but Solar Energy is a waste of time. It's too expensive.

    Across the board cuts in spending, taking into account state's rights (10th amendment) reduces the overall size of the federal budget.

    Add all of those things up and i believe a balanced federal budget and complete economic recovery is completely plausible, but not with the Obama policies. Democrats act like they are for the people but all they want to do is raise more taxes and spend more money.

    This election comes down to one thing, whether this country believes in a self-destructive, large federal government with socialistic tendancies or a Small federal government with fiscal responsibility that allows for the prosperity of its citizens willing to work.

    *Amazed it took this long for this kind of thread to blossom.
    No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

    ForSure Motorsports
    Win or Lose, We Booze.

    Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


    • #17
      Is it egg nog season yet?


      • #18
        Originally posted by Nick View Post
        u mad?
        back after 20 days with "u mad"?

        have some nugs
        Sergeant Sergeant Master Sergeant Shooter Person

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        Official In Crowd member.


        • #19
          Originally posted by JeepBabiiXJ View Post
          Basic economics, business' pay less taxes, therefore have more money to pay more employees (more workers with higher salaries). More employees, netting more money equals higher income tax revenues.

          *Amazed it took this long for this kind of thread to blossom.

          Basic human nature, GREED. The rich want to stay rich, they think because they individually have made a lot of money that their ideas will work. If you think smaller gov't and less taxes will lead to higher pay your dead wrong. Why would the rich(cooperation's) pay you any more they they have to, is that not why we have a minimum wage. Hold on, is a minimum wage restricting the rights of businesses...maybe the employer should decide what to pay the worker...wait isn't China sorta like that...wait, why pay you at all and not just go to china? Oh right, because Romney's gonna make china play fair and and create 12 million jobs, how did I forget....


          • #20


            • #21
              Originally posted by cherokee-at-16 View Post
              Basic human nature, GREED. The rich want to stay rich, they think because they individually have made a lot of money that their ideas will work. If you think smaller gov't and less taxes will lead to higher pay your dead wrong.
              Rich people get rich off of the exchange of money between other people. Everytime money is exchanged the people at the top make money. If all business' paid their employee's nothing, then their employees would have no money to buy anything and no one would make money, especially the people at the top.

              It's Reganomics, it worked, we know it works, we need to do it again but this time with the proper regulation and oversight.

              I'm sorry dude, but i'm right. It creates jobs and more better paying jobs at that.
              No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

              ForSure Motorsports
              Win or Lose, We Booze.

              Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


              • #22


                • #23
                  Originally posted by cherokee-at-16 View Post
                  got me
                  -00 XJ. 3.5", 33s. Stuff
                  I Love Scott Decker and Erik Miller

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