who ever posed my jeep for sale on craigslist, although humerus , i do fucking hate you, its now over 20 calls and 20 texts, these people or ruthless im just answering and telling them to fuck off now, i hate who ever did this.....
98 blue 5 speed TJ. locked,35 kevlars under 6 inches,trail bling.
98 red automatic TJ. 3.5inch on 33 kevlars, mall crawler status.
ha ha ha i was woken up in a drunkin stuper to some black dude asking 'yo man im callin about da wrangler you have online' hate the 50 next calls too.. very funny but god its annoying lol
98 blue 5 speed TJ. locked,35 kevlars under 6 inches,trail bling.
98 red automatic TJ. 3.5inch on 33 kevlars, mall crawler status.