Okay, so last night im in the middle of building a bumper when the grinder im using made some odd noises and went from 100° to 500° in a matter of seconds.
the grinder is a makita 6.4 amp 4.5" grinder. Thing has worked awsome compared to my dewalt grinder that is used for nothing else but wirewheeling.
i took the makita apart and everything that i could see looked great. brushes, bearings, gears, motor, all rotating assemblies are free spinning. which leads me to believe there is a short in the wiring on the outer part of the motor that all the juice is sent through. (im no power tool expert, but if youve ever taken one apart you will know what im talking about)
This grinder is actually justin lawheads and i was using it because my old makita shit the bed a while back aswell. and just so happens justin asked for it back about yesterday 15 minutes before it blew up... so originally i say, yeh no problem, come grab it, i need to go get me a new one anyways. then boom, buzzz, kapoot.
so now i need to purchase 2 new grinders....
is makita junk these days?
how bout milwaukee?
Other brands?
I have noticed the home depot has pretty much done away with there rigid brand shit and pumped in a shit ton of milwaukee stuff.
Is this the same good quality stuff from years ago? or just as bad as makita now? I have a bad ass milwaukee sawzall i purchased 2 years ago and the thing is the beezneez (had to purchase because my makita sawzall shat the bed. Notice the trend here?)
So my basic general question is what brand power tools should i purchase from now on. I want to also purchase i nice new 1/2 drill too.... AND I DONT WANT ANY MORE JUNK!
the grinder is a makita 6.4 amp 4.5" grinder. Thing has worked awsome compared to my dewalt grinder that is used for nothing else but wirewheeling.
i took the makita apart and everything that i could see looked great. brushes, bearings, gears, motor, all rotating assemblies are free spinning. which leads me to believe there is a short in the wiring on the outer part of the motor that all the juice is sent through. (im no power tool expert, but if youve ever taken one apart you will know what im talking about)
This grinder is actually justin lawheads and i was using it because my old makita shit the bed a while back aswell. and just so happens justin asked for it back about yesterday 15 minutes before it blew up... so originally i say, yeh no problem, come grab it, i need to go get me a new one anyways. then boom, buzzz, kapoot.
so now i need to purchase 2 new grinders....
is makita junk these days?
how bout milwaukee?
Other brands?
I have noticed the home depot has pretty much done away with there rigid brand shit and pumped in a shit ton of milwaukee stuff.
Is this the same good quality stuff from years ago? or just as bad as makita now? I have a bad ass milwaukee sawzall i purchased 2 years ago and the thing is the beezneez (had to purchase because my makita sawzall shat the bed. Notice the trend here?)
So my basic general question is what brand power tools should i purchase from now on. I want to also purchase i nice new 1/2 drill too.... AND I DONT WANT ANY MORE JUNK!
