Ah it's all over the news. Can't link the story now.. On my phone. Google costa Concordia.
Basically the drunk captain of a cruise ship drove way off course, ran aground and sank the ship. Instead of setting orders and saving passengers lives he was like fuck this I'm out and jumped the first lifeboat lol. 6 ppl dead and 16 still missing. The capt is arrested and being held for manslaughter and abandoning ship. They're comparing it to titanic lol
2 tj's
3 yj's
2 xj's
i'm a jeep whore
"id walk 6 hours one way to suck a fart out of megan fox's ass"
The titanic actually sank...I wouldn't call that sunk.
In the middle of the atlantic...not within swimming distance of shore.
Captain went down with the ship...that Captain went to jail.
I've seen this ship when I was in the med off Italy before. I didn't hear that the captain was drunk. Those ships typically stay within territorial waters (less then 12miles from shore) so being close to shore is nothing new. He the ship hit a reef that the cap claimed wasn't on a chart which I find very hard to believe. Also, in any incident like this the captain gets arrested immediately. In any event involving an oil spill the engineers get arrested too. I'll be interested to see how this pans out.
I don't always drink orange juice, but when I do, I prefer to chew it. #madpulp