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Today's Headlines: JoePa fired, Nick Cannon ties dog to balloons....

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  • Today's Headlines: JoePa fired, Nick Cannon ties dog to balloons....

    So, for those of you who know JoePa (I know Andy & Tim most definitely do)....or if you've been following the news, you have probably heard that 84 year old Penn State Coach JoePa has been fired.

    Penn State, its football program and Paterno, 84, — a legendary name in American sports — were thrown into turmoil on Saturday when long-time assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, 67, was charged with sexually abusing at least eight young boys over a decade.

    Two other university officials, former athletic director Tim Curley and former finance official Gary Schultz, have also been charged with failing to report an incident in 2002 when Sandusky allegedly was seen sexually assaulting a child. All three men have denied the charges.
    Thoughts? I am seeing all over the place that everyone is upset and rioting over something that really should not be protested.


    Nick Cannon, you know, Mariah Carey's baby daddy, is also a morning radio talk show host on 92.3 in NY. Apparently he had a bet with his co-host, and he won. This morning his co-host's 4 lb dog was tied up with balloons, and let free.

    I'm not sure if it's real or not...but I did hear a few minutes of the show this morning & Nick sounded VERY upset. WHO DOES THIS?!
    mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
    2022 JL Rubicon

    Originally posted by hoggie101
    and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year

  • #2
    Wait...they strapped a bunch of Balloons to a dog and then let it float away?? Wut.
    Official Space Shuttle Door Gunner of the Chechnyan Space Program


    • #3
      Originally posted by Buffalo Phil View Post
      Wait...they strapped a bunch of Balloons to a dog and then let it float away?? Wut.
      that's what they say....
      mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
      2022 JL Rubicon

      Originally posted by hoggie101
      and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


      • #4
        Originally posted by Lawn Guyland View Post
        So, for those of you who know JoePa (I know Andy & Tim most definitely do)....or if you've been following the news, you have probably heard that 84 year old Penn State Coach JoePa has been fired.

        I've been following the whole scandal, and while I dont know much about college football, this is going to continue to be in the news for a long time. "JoePa" as they call him, is the first face that comes to mind for most when you think of college football coaches. Like i said, i'm not huge into College Football, or any college sports for that matter, but the Universities make MILLIONS off of their team sports, and the fact that something like this was just "swept under the rug" only highlights what is wrong with University sports, and how powerful they really are. They are so concerned with their reputation that they let this scumbag get away with this crap for years, and ruin the lives of many. I feel for JoPa, as he did go to the administration to get the issue addressed when the perv was seen molesting a boy in the shower, but he should have followed up on it and done more. I feel like we've only seen the tip of the iceberg in this case, as none of the coaches are allowed to talk right now, as they are all under investigation. Things are definitely going to get messy, and a lott of reputations are going to get ruined (including Penn State's).


        • #5
          Sorry people. This is going to be a long one. It is going to be none bias regardless of me going to Penn State for 4 years. I don't want to hear you bitch about my opinion because I am sick of the bullshit that all the uneducated fucks and Penn State haters are coming out with.

          I will start by saying that what Jerry Sandusky did was down right sick. If you read all 23 pages of the court transcripts you will truly understand what kind of a monster he is. He destroyed children's lives by taking their innocence. That being said, this whole situation is about HIM, the monster that did the crime and the men that tried to cover it up. I understand the JoePa and McQuarry could have gone above and beyond and went to the Police and they should have. But guess what.... Is McQuarry (saw the crimes in person) in question? Is the Janitor (saw the crimes in person) in question? NO. The only person that the media is blaming is Paterno. The two men that saw the vialation of children first hand never went the the police. McQuarry told Paterno, so he went right to his boss (Tim Curley) the told him what he heard. That is where the information stopped.

          Janitor - saw the events happen. Didn't go to the police. (said nothing)
          McQuarry - saw the events happen. Didn't go to the police. (went to boss)
          JoePa - Was told about the events in a manor that did not portray the severity of the events. (went to boss)
          Tim Curley - Was told about the events. (DID NOTHING)

          Are you kidding me? When you see the following articles online or in a news paper which one would you be more likely to click on?

          - Jerry Sandusky Ex assistant coach involved in sex scandal
          - Legendary Coach Joe Paterno involved in sex scandal
          - Tim Curley covers up sex scandal at Penn State

          Did you know who Sandusky or Curley was before this week? Only people that live in Central Pennsylvania or are hardcore PSU fans know who either of these two men are. Everyone knows Joe Paterno, he is the face of college football. Obviously the media is going to go after the guy that everyone knows. It sells!

          The sad thing is that hardly any articles talk about the victims. They talk about a man that could have done more. What about the men that did nothing? What about the young boys that can't sleep at night. What about the monster that destroyed lives? FOR FUCKS SAKE.

          Paterno is not a victim nor a savior, he was the leader of a football program that prided itself on honor and integrity. One man takes every bit of honor and integrity away from this great university and football program, and two other men Curley and Shultz seal the deal on hiding it from the police and the ones that could have saved more children's innocence.

          Joe is my hero and always will be. Sit down with him for an hour and talk to him, you will understand where his heart is and what kind of man he is.

          Just a little idea of my PSU career.

          I decided to dedicate 4 years of my life to higher education and Penn State University. I picked Penn State because it just simply felt right. Got into Drexel, got a scholarship to Pitt, Maryland, Villanova, blah blah blah. Penn State was it, I felt right to being there.

          I went to school in 2004 met a lot of amazing people that affected my life. Got to see record breaking football games with 112,000 screaming fans. Played Water Polo for the University and was a big part of the biggest student run philanthropy in the world raising millions for children with cancer. These are the things that shaped my life and turned me into the person I am today. I would never give up the 4 years I spent at Penn State for anything. And I can tell you that I am Penn State proud and always will be.

          I was asked the other day. "Would you send your little girl to Penn State for college?" Your god damn right I would. You can't measure a university by a couple people mistakes. You have to measure it by the great things that is has accomplished.
          Last edited by Dizzaster; 11-10-2011, 03:09 PM.
          Molten Motorsports - #4343/4443


          • #6
            Originally posted by Nada_Jeep View Post
            I've been following the whole scandal, and while I dont know much about college football, this is going to continue to be in the news for a long time. "JoePa" as they call him, is the first face that comes to mind for most when you think of college football coaches. Like i said, i'm not huge into College Football, or any college sports for that matter, but the Universities make MILLIONS off of their team sports, and the fact that something like this was just "swept under the rug" only highlights what is wrong with University sports, and how powerful they really are. They are so concerned with their reputation that they let this scumbag get away with this crap for years, and ruin the lives of many. I feel for JoPa, as he did go to the administration to get the issue addressed when the perv was seen molesting a boy in the shower, but he should have followed up on it and done more. I feel like we've only seen the tip of the iceberg in this case, as none of the coaches are allowed to talk right now, as they are all under investigation. Things are definitely going to get messy, and a lott of reputations are going to get ruined (including Penn State's).
            I agree with you on most of this....JoePa even acknowledged that he should have done more. It's a difficult situation, and nobody can judge/say what was the right thing to do unless they were in the shoes of those involved. JoePa has done A LOT for Penn State. I think I heard that over his time there, he has made about $90 million, and about $85 million of that has gone back to the school. I understand that he essentially is Penn State, and why tons and tons of students are upset with this decision. But, I can also understand all of those people who are disgusting over the fact that students are so upset with the board's decision. You also have to realize that those students probably are not getting the full story. They are getting their news from other students, student newspapers, etc.
            mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
            2022 JL Rubicon

            Originally posted by hoggie101
            and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


            • #7
              Originally posted by Lawn Guyland View Post
              I agree with you on most of this....JoePa even acknowledged that he should have done more. It's a difficult situation, and nobody can judge/say what was the right thing to do unless they were in the shoes of those involved. JoePa has done A LOT for Penn State. I think I heard that over his time there, he has made about $90 million, and about $85 million of that has gone back to the school. I understand that he essentially is Penn State, and why tons and tons of students are upset with this decision. But, I can also understand all of those people who are disgusting over the fact that students are so upset with the board's decision. You also have to realize that those students probably are not getting the full story. They are getting their news from other students, student newspapers, etc.

              I give JoPa a lot of credit too for announcing his retirement yesterday (before they fired him), and for not going into details on the case (even though he really cant right now). Because i'll tell you what - he is looked up to as a god at that campus, and he has the ability to make the University look ridiculous. I have a feeling his reputation will still be okay in the end - like you said, i think the situation a lot of those people were in, were "you talk, you're out of the program" and i'm sure they threatened a lot of them too with what was known about the perv. I'm really interested to see what the truth (or some form of it at least) is when it all comes out. It's about to get messsyyy


              • #8
                oh yes. things are going to get intense
                mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
                2022 JL Rubicon

                Originally posted by hoggie101
                and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


                • #9
                  Sounds like you know exactly who Joe is. Ever met him? Ever talked to some of the thousands of kids that he helped make it through college? Ever stepped foot in the multi million $ library he donated to the university?

                  His salary was irrelevant because he would give nearly every penny back to help students learn. He would personally make sure that each and every kid on his team was getting help in school and made sure they completed their education since only a select few can really make football their career. I could go on and on about all the things he did for people of the years and even many of my friends when I went to school. Some would say that he saved their life. Ask Tamba Hali, he will tell you right to your face that Joe saved his life and brought his family together after years of heart break.

                  What an asshole...

                  Only stupid fucks judge people by there mistakes in life. Is this case, there are mistakes and there are hideous crimes. So next time you make a mistake in life, I will be the first person to laugh in your face, call you an asshole and hope you lose your job and any integrity you thought you had.

                  Molten Motorsports - #4343/4443


                  • #10
                    Andy, your first post was exactly something I would have posted if I had more time.

                    I almost went to PSU. I was 99% on going but just couldn't afford it in the long run. One of my biggest regrets is not going...I went to a smaller school with no major sports teams, or anything even close. When I went to visit PSU I fell in love and cried when I had to turn down my acceptance
                    mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
                    2022 JL Rubicon

                    Originally posted by hoggie101
                    and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


                    • #11
                      Who the fuck ties a dog to ballons and lets it fly off. I would think you would see it float and then grab it and take the ballons off.

                      Crawl Daddy Champion 2011

                      1999 XJ 4 inchs of lift or so, 35s and some other stuff.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dizzaster View Post
                        Sorry people. This is going to be a long one. It is going to be none bias regardless of me going to Penn State for 4 years. I don't want to hear you bitch about my opinion because I am sick of the bullshit that all the uneducated fucks and Penn State haters are coming out with.

                        I will start by saying that what Jerry Sandusky did was down right sick. If you read all 23 pages of the court transcripts you will truly understand what kind of a monster he is. He destroyed children's lives by taking their innocence. That being said, this whole situation is about HIM, the monster that did the crime and the men that tried to cover it up. I understand the JoePa and McQuarry could have gone above and beyond and went to the Police and they should have. But guess what.... Is McQuarry (saw the crimes in person) in question? Is the Janitor (saw the crimes in person) in question? NO. The only person that the media is blaming is Paterno. The two men that saw the vialation of children first hand never went the the police. McQuarry told Paterno, so he went right to his boss (Tim Curley) the told him what he heard. That is where the information stopped.

                        Janitor - saw the events happen. Didn't go to the police. (said nothing)
                        McQuarry - saw the events happen. Didn't go to the police. (went to boss)
                        JoePa - Was told about the events in a manor that did not portray the severity of the events. (went to boss)
                        Tim Curley - Was told about the events. (DID NOTHING)

                        Are you kidding me? When you see the following articles online or in a news paper which one would you be more likely to click on?

                        - Jerry Sandusky Ex assistant coach involved in sex scandal
                        - Legendary Coach Joe Paterno involved in sex scandal
                        - Tim Curley covers up sex scandal at Penn State

                        Did you know who Sandusky or Curley was before this week? Only people that live in Central Pennsylvania or are hardcore PSU fans know who either of these two men are. Everyone knows Joe Paterno, he is the face of college football. Obviously the media is going to go after the guy that everyone knows. It sells!

                        The sad thing is that hardly any articles talk about the victims. They talk about a man that could have done more. What about the men that did nothing? What about the young boys that can't sleep at night. What about the monster that destroyed lives? FOR FUCKS SAKE.

                        Paterno is not a victim nor a savior, he was the leader of a football program that prided itself on honor and integrity. One man takes every bit of honor and integrity away from this great university and football program, and two other men Curley and Shultz seal the deal on hiding it from the police and the ones that could have saved more children's innocence.

                        Joe is my hero and always will be. Sit down with him for an hour and talk to him, you will understand where his heart is and what kind of man he is.

                        Just a little idea of my PSU career.

                        I decided to dedicate 4 years of my life to higher education and Penn State University. I picked Penn State because it just simply felt right. Got into Drexel, got a scholarship to Pitt, Maryland, Villanova, blah blah blah. Penn State was it, I felt right to being there.

                        I went to school in 2004 met a lot of amazing people that affected my life. Got to see record breaking football games with 112,000 screaming fans. Played Water Polo for the University and was a big part of the biggest student run philanthropy in the world raising millions for children with cancer. These are the things that shaped my life and turned me into the person I am today. I would never give up the 4 years I spent at Penn State for anything. And I can tell you that I am Penn State proud and always will be.

                        I was asked the other day. "Would you send your little girl to Penn State for college?" Your god damn right I would. You can't measure a university by a couple people mistakes. You have to measure it by the great things that is has accomplished.

                        You know what... that was a great post, thank you. You summed up my feelings on it too. I stated before that I dont know a lot about college football, but from talking to Penn State fans at work, and reading about it, it's clear the focus of the investigation is totally on the wrong people. The fact that McQuarry has not been ridiculed more, baffles me. He walks in on a man raping a child, and what? Turns around and walks out of the room? I would have grabbed the first metal object i could find and went over and knocked the guy unconsious.. And i'm a female. And I mean that. I think Joe did all he could do. He reported the information, and they did nothing about it. The fact that they wont let him finish off the season as head coach, after all he's done for the university.. is ridiculous. One game left.. and you fire him, but NOT McQuarry?


                        • #13
                          JoePa did nothing wrong. period.

                          As a college football fan and someone who has heard from mulitple alumni of the school what a great man he is.

                          This is my opinion, but hold the man that commited the crime accountable; not destroy the legacy and dignity of a man who dedicated his life to something great.

                          For every kid that can't sleep at night, there are hundreds of student athletes that look to Paterno as a hero and a role model. And the kicker is he didn't even do anything!!!

                          There is no law that says if you see a crime, you need to say something. Hold the real criminal accountable, not this guy.
                          No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

                          ForSure Motorsports
                          Win or Lose, We Booze.

                          Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


                          • #14

                            joke or not, that's just messed up. joke about something else...not sending an animal off into the sky
                            mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
                            2022 JL Rubicon

                            Originally posted by hoggie101
                            and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by JeepBabiiXJ View Post

                              There is no law that says if you see a crime, you need to say something. Hold the real criminal accountable, not this guy.
                              Sure there is. Either Joe Paterno or the school were legally obligated to contact authorities due to it being child abuse. Technically Joe tells his superior (as he is staff) and they contact the police.

                              read the grand jury testimony
                              - Will

                              Originally posted by fizzy
                              or am asians pants not a read end lol.
                              Originally posted by DizzDizz
                              aliens probed my husband

