I cannot read the small blurry type, and have no idea what it says.
But I understand not everyone who is rallying to this cause is needy, nor do I believe in their movement. Just stating that to say the "Amerocan Dream" is so evident and easy to realize is rather cliche and narrow.
Its easy to talk about the American Dream when you're a white, middle-class male
Its not a Dream for most, its actually quite the uphill struggle at this point.
No one guarantee success, the only guarantee is that there will be the ability to try and achieve it. My mother teaches lower class minorities and she says every day that they could do great things, if they overcame their own ignorance.
sigpic Official Space Shuttle Door Gunner of the Chechnyan Space Program
I'm sorry, but no one said you have to go to a 50k dollar a year college to be successful in life.
There are just as many high school dropouts without jobs as there are people with their bachelors degrees.
Suck it up, go to community college and make something of yourself. College is an excuse for people to think that because they went there for 4 years and worked hard on academics that they are owed a $100k a year job.
WELCOME to the real world. I went to community college because it was affordable, i worked my ass off 40+ hours a week to not only make the money i needed for school but to work my way up in the company. That kitchen manager position at hooters that i worked my ass off for got me my assistant manager job at Advance Auto Parts. Had i chose to stay with the company i was looking at $70k and full benefits for being a store manager. If i had choosen to stay that route, i could be sitting here right now, saying see i made it with no one elses help but my own. People need to stop fucking whining, man up and work.
The only way to be successful is by hard work. I have had the pleasure of meeting many self made millionaires in my life, all of which have no more than a couple years of college and very few even had bachelor's degrees. The things they almost always said was to make sure you listen to your customer's needs and work even when you are too tired to seemingly do so.
No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.
ForSure Motorsports
Win or Lose, We Booze.
Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers
Its easy to talk about the American Dream when you're a white, middle-class male
Its not a Dream for most, its actually quite the uphill struggle at this point.
I had a professor that said that too me once, i almost threw him through the chalk board.
The only reason i'm a middle class person, is because my parents worked their asses off from poverity from immigrating from another country to be able to own a house and raise a family. NO ONE helped them, they helped themselves.
THe fucking niggers and the like that play this line off as sentiment need to burn in fucking hell. IT is complete and total bullshit. In today's society there is no reason that someone in impoverished condititons cannot get a job in a kitchen and learn to speak fluent english, and work their way up to positions of importance within that company.
THe white man is keeping me down, fuck that. It's the black man now, i don't know if you've looked at the white house, i mean c'mon racism is dead isn't it.
Every person born is this country is entitled to the american dream and the PURSUIT of happiness. There is no reason someone in poverity can't take an good idea, buy a suit, drum up the capital to start a company and in 10 years never have to worry about money again.
Success in a free market system doesn't see current wealth or skin color or if mommy was single and daddy beat me up. It only see's hard work and dedication.
No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.
ForSure Motorsports
Win or Lose, We Booze.
Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers
even though my business is still in its infancy as far as things go
this is as true as it gets
i cant explain how many nights (mornings) ive watched the sun come up because a job simply needed to get done..
Erich told me that, for those of you who don't know, he started a steel company in his basement 20 years ago and is now a multi-millionaire whose company does work for the military and major corporations around the world.
No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.
ForSure Motorsports
Win or Lose, We Booze.
Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers
No one guarantee success, the only guarantee is that there will be the ability to try and achieve it. My mother teaches lower class minorities and she says every day that they could do great things, if they overcame their own ignorance.
Never said anything about guarantees, just that not many people dream of having thousands of dollars in school debt only to be told there are no openings in your field.
Also, my dream is probably very different from most. I am postulating that the idea of the American Dream is far removed from its inceptionary meaning. So far so that it becomes contrived to use it to explain why these fools are protesting. What if there dream is to overthrow Wall Street?
Point: I don't care why they are protesting, but go them for fighting for their dream instead of buying into a stereotyped, jaded, and outdated American Dream.
Never said anything about guarantees, just that not many people dream of having thousands of dollars in school debt only to be told there are no openings in your field.
Also, my dream is probably very different from most. I am postulating that the idea of the American Dream is far removed from its inceptionary meaning. So far so that it becomes contrived to use it to explain why these fools are protesting. What if there dream is to overthrow Wall Street?
Point: I don't care why they are protesting, but go them for fighting for their dream instead of buying into a stereotyped, jaded, and outdated American Dream.
I'm going to be a fucking dick right now. No openings in your field...then why pick it? I did 6 months worth of research about 'my field' before I shipped off to school. I talked to many gunstore owners, military personnel, army and marine recruiters, etc looking for openings in my Field. It just so happens that the biggest opening I had was right here in my home town and I got the job before I even went to school.
Last edited by Buffalo Phil; 10-06-2011, 07:14 PM.
sigpic Official Space Shuttle Door Gunner of the Chechnyan Space Program