We have a job opening for a Buildings & Grounds, Utility person.
This is a part-time position that would be less than 30 hours per week.
Hours would be approx. 2 PM – 8 PM, flexible and perhaps some Saturday work.
Job duties would include:
Grass mowing – brush trimming
Minor fix-it building repairs
Office cleaning and painting
Picture hanging, wall repair
Furniture and Equipment moving
Trash and scrap iron removal
Entrance doorways swept, cleaned and minor snow shoveling
Individual must be trustworthy, dependable, honest and all those good qualities.
Handy with hand tools.
If you know of someone that you can recommend, Employment Applications are available at the Front Desk or from HR. Be sure to let HR know who you are recommending.
This is not a “significant full-time” position so the normal employee referral award does not apply.
This is at Freightliner of Soutnern Connecticut for anyone interested.
This is a part-time position that would be less than 30 hours per week.
Hours would be approx. 2 PM – 8 PM, flexible and perhaps some Saturday work.
Job duties would include:
Grass mowing – brush trimming
Minor fix-it building repairs
Office cleaning and painting
Picture hanging, wall repair
Furniture and Equipment moving
Trash and scrap iron removal
Entrance doorways swept, cleaned and minor snow shoveling
Individual must be trustworthy, dependable, honest and all those good qualities.
Handy with hand tools.
If you know of someone that you can recommend, Employment Applications are available at the Front Desk or from HR. Be sure to let HR know who you are recommending.
This is not a “significant full-time” position so the normal employee referral award does not apply.
This is at Freightliner of Soutnern Connecticut for anyone interested.