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WTF has Obama done so far?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Nick View Post
    This comment would be relevant if the sentences you quoted were in the past tense, but alas, they are in the future tense. Also, were you around for FDR's presidency?
    My reply to Will makes sense.

    And you don't have to be around during a Presidency to know about it. Through history classes and talking to people who were alive during a particular presidency you can learn about it.
    2013 Wrangler


    • #17
      Originally posted by FireFighter32 View Post
      My reply to Will makes sense.

      And you don't have to be around during a Presidency to know about it. Through history classes and talking to people who were alive during a particular presidency you can learn about it.
      It doesn't make sense, he said "will never be..." that's in the future.

      Also, if you did research FDR and whatnot, you'd realize that his popularity and success as President has actually declined in recent years as more and more facts regarding his Presidency emerged.


      • #18
        Ok, I'm not going to argue with you over grammar. I was simply saying FDR was well liked during his time in office. It was a comparison to how many Presidents have been disliked during their Presidencies. In reference to his and other President's approval ratings changing post-presidency it can be said that hindsight is 20/20. It's always easier to "arm chair quarterback" something that has already happened.
        2013 Wrangler


        • #19
          Who are the people voting on FDR's approval rating in recent years?
          2013 Wrangler


          • #20
            Roosevelt had plenty of opposition from a lot of people, his popularity was hardly universal, but enough about FDR.

            The real issue is that people are always unhappy with what they have, but its when time passes and all the facts are on the table that society can make a true and informed decision about the success of a leader, both positively and negatively.

            No one is voting on his approval rating, but historians are shifting their view towards him based on recent theories and discoveries.


            • #21
              The Presidential Approval Rating System wasn't created till the late 1930s. One President who's approval rating I would like to see is Hoover, too bad the system wasn't present at the time. His approval rating must have dropped like a rock right off the bat.
              2013 Wrangler


              • #22
                Do the discoveries on FDR concern his personal life. Particularly his extra-marital habits, as well as his wife's habits?
                2013 Wrangler


                • #23
                  world war II saved this country, not the actions of any president or governement.

                  FDR spent money like a madman, just like obama with very little results. The production demands of a massive war and the fact that we won, propelled our economy out of the crapper and made us a superpower.
                  No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

                  ForSure Motorsports
                  Win or Lose, We Booze.

                  Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


                  • #24
                    FDR did a lot to pull the US out of the depression, if the war had not happened then it would have taken longer, but i think we still would have recovered, but not into the military super power that we emerged as, same with Russia

                    I am not hating but I am wondering what the things are that are making people not like FDR?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Vehicleless View Post
                      FDR did a lot to pull the US out of the depression, if the war had not happened then it would have taken longer, but i think we still would have recovered, but not into the military super power that we emerged as, same with Russia

                      I am not hating but I am wondering what the things are that are making people not like FDR?
                      Federal Income Tax for one.
                      Official Space Shuttle Door Gunner of the Chechnyan Space Program


                      • #26
                        It was actually the abandonment of many New Deal practices that led to the glimpses of recovery the nation saw before WWII.


                        • #27
                          I'm jumping in here with some actual hard facts and 'change'.

                          If you all recall, this was my campaign against Obama. If this doesnt get a president approval ratings, i dont know what the fuck does

                          A national poll will be required to be taken, it will ask if you like America or not. All of those who answer no will be deported to North Korea so they can have something truly to ***** about.


                          Jeep is required by law to stop making gay vehicles.

                          Each vehicle released by Jeep will be required to have a Rubicon-esque trim level. The XJ will be brought back into production in 2 body styles. Post 1997 and Pre-1997. There will be a Paragon trim level, and a SIS trim level.

                          Each vehicle in the high trims will have dual solid axle 44s, optional lug patterns, and basically every optional off-road accessory available.


                          Afghanistan/Iraq/Iran comes next. All peace-loving civilians will be evacuated to neighboring countries. Following this, Afghanistan iraq and iran will be sunk below sea level so to allow them to become a sea. This sea will become the United States' primary naval training grounds for the sole purpose of bettering our military power.

                          Upon the sinking of the middle eastern countries in question, we will inherit their oil supply in its entirety through use of sea-borne oil rigs, thus allowing gas prices to be sub-20 cents a gallon. This will no doubt help the economy. Also the fact Jeep will be required by law to manufacture legitimate vehicles will boost automobile sales.


                          All wheeling will be legal.


                          Taxes will be dependent on varying details. Veterans and current active duty personnel will receive a hefty tax break. People who score poorly on the anti america poll mentioned earlier will pay their life total tax sum in one sitting prior to their deportation...this should more than account for the tax break for military members.


                          United States borders will be closed. There will be a massive retaining wall built. Illegal aliens will be shot on sight from the string of guard towers equipped with GAU-17s. These walls will be manned 24/7 by a cyborg breed of Navy SEALs and Force Recon Marines.


                          Procomp will be outlawed. Those found running procomp brand products are immediately put under quarantine and arranged for deportation to Afghanistan/iraq/iran pre-sinking. If you are found with procomp products post sinking, you will go there anyway and participate on the receiving end of the US naval exercises. Those running Procomp products will have the opportunity to burn them or sell them for 3 days after the law is enacted.


                          All "ghettos" will be carpet bombed and transformed into ORV parks, free of charge. Any aggressive survivors will be considered Targets of Opportunity within the park.

                          These programs will be funded by foreign tax. Foreign tax basically translates to "We wont kick and/or bomb your *** if you pay this tax" tax.


                          Parts of southern california will be placed under martial law and will act under the "Targets of Opportunity" doctrine.


                          There will indeed be a cash-rewards system in place for the capture/destruction of known terrorists. Cash amount will be based on the level of terrorist destroyed, and style in which the task was accomplished.


                          Webwheeling will be punishable by deportation to the moon.
                          - Will

                          Originally posted by fizzy
                          or am asians pants not a read end lol.
                          Originally posted by DizzDizz
                          aliens probed my husband


                          • #28
                            i never liked him, not even in history class. he is a big government spending democrat. the exact thing i am against. medicare, social security, the enormus government bureaucracy of today he created, and unfortunately can't be just erased. I am a firm believer in free enterprise and small goverment, and if you're at the bottom of food chain, work harder, if that doesn't work then tought shit. The american dream isn't a right. It's the pursuit of happiness, not a welfare check and a garuntee that you can show up at any hospital, unemployed, uninsured, and get treated.

                            These are my beliefs and i don't expect everyone to accept them.....

                            Any conservative disliked some of the things FDR did, but there were some good things he did, aka interstate highways, he also did a lot for interstate commerce, he was very good at creating jobs, which is what obama needs to focus on. Making 200 new government jobs and then giving big business billions doesn't create jobs, that has been proved.
                            No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

                            ForSure Motorsports
                            Win or Lose, We Booze.

                            Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


                            • #29

                              FDR didn't create the highways...Eisenhower did.
                              Official Space Shuttle Door Gunner of the Chechnyan Space Program


                              • #30
                                really?? ohh well its been a while, that just means i can take one thing i thought he did right away from him. Like obama declaring mission accomplished..... oh wait. thats right. fuck.

                                Also, Just cause i'm conservative doesn't mean i like the G.O.P. any better, they are all crooks.
                                No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

                                ForSure Motorsports
                                Win or Lose, We Booze.

                                Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers

