joe, no glass, cage, fuel cell, harnesses, fire extinguisher and a helmet and you are all pretty much all good to go.
i can take off my doors and hatch thats like 75% glass gone right there pop out the windshield and quarter glass. i have a cage id just need to beef it a bit. i have harnesses just not installed. prolly should have a fuel cell n e way haha so yea next year happnin.....
haha you would run at line mountain 7 miler probably, not rausch. i can pretty much guarantee your windshield frame, door frames and axles won't be in 1 piece when you finish this race btw. it's way more insane than you think
i can take off my doors and hatch thats like 75% glass gone right there pop out the windshield and quarter glass. i have a cage id just need to beef it a bit. i have harnesses just not installed. prolly should have a fuel cell n e way haha so yea next year happnin.....
I don't always drink orange juice, but when I do, I prefer to chew it. #madpulp
yea but the requirements areNT that crazy. i mean i can get my jeep to pass without making it useless for anything but this race. im pretty sure if i can qualify for this i can do the rc club comps and rc rocs or we rock what ever those other ones are sam and justin do.