Essays... So glad i dont have to write them any more.
Some people suck and shouldnt open their mouth. At least you know you had the teacher on your side cause in the end their opinion is the only one that matters.
Lady bugs don't like it when you paint stripes on them
Creative Writing was my favorite class, if you need help, please feel free to ask.
Anyway, that sucks about the class. I had the same kind of people in my class.
We had one kid write a poem about how he Hated PETA, while I share his hatred for PETA, the piece was total fucking garbage and the dude couldn't string a stanza together to save his fucking life. I was the only one who ever did anything right in the fucking class, with the exception of maybe 3 other people. Luckily when the teacher assigned groups, I was put into the same group as the more literate intelligent ones so stuff actually got edited, revised and the proper criticism was given.
Maybe you need to stab her, Nicole.
Last edited by Buffalo Phil; 03-12-2009, 06:41 PM.
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