all you wheelin PROFESSIONALS on here who think its a stupid idea and bla bla bla i dident see any of your long armed super cool jeeps that are far superior to leafs at the top of outter limmits during OERIII
all you wheelin PROFESSIONALS on here who think its a stupid idea and bla bla bla i dident see any of your long armed super cool jeeps that are far superior to leafs at the top of outter limmits during OERIII
WTF? why dont you relax, this was obviously done tongue in cheek
im perfectly calm. i find it halarious that you all get such joy out of hatin on my shit cuz i wanna do something that you dont all agree with. where would this sport even be if it werent for the people that went against what eveyone else though and did something different. we would all still be drivin stock jeeps on the road because thats what everyone else does right.....
im perfectly calm. i find it halarious that you all get such joy out of hatin on my shit cuz i wanna do something that you dont all agree with. where would this sport even be if it werent for the people that went against what eveyone else though and did something different. we would all still be drivin stock jeeps on the road because thats what everyone else does right.....
i think you took this thread the wrong way
"you all" is a mighty broad brush to paint with
who is hating on your shit? You posted an idea on a public forum and people offered their opinions on the matter (hell i didnt even post an opinion). Leafs in the front of an XJ also isnt ground breaking.