haha okay just making sure...but the sad thing is girls post those pics on facebook and come time for them to find jobs and people look them up...oh well no job for you hahaha
exactly the reason i'm not on facebook, i keep all my naked pics in a box underneath my bed
exactly thats what i dont understand....just a complete lack of common sense, if you are going to do that stuff, go right ahead, but dont show the world. As i speak for any guy here, we would love having pics like that of our girlfriends haha.
i hope what i just said doesnt backfire and make me seem like a perv haha
see thats one thing, if you wanna take pictures like that for private reasons, go right ahead. that in my book doesn't make you a slut AT ALL. but if you decide to post them on facebook and myspace and be like OmGaWd ChEcK oUtT mAh BoDy...then you are just digging yourself into a giant hole.
and i would never call you a perv or think anything close to it of you!
mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum 2022 JL Rubicon
Originally posted by hoggie101
and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year
see thats one thing, if you wanna take pictures like that for private reasons, go right ahead. that in my book doesn't make you a slut AT ALL. but if you decide to post them on facebook and myspace and be like OmGaWd ChEcK oUtT mAh BoDy...then you are just digging yourself into a giant hole.
and i would never call you a perv or think anything close to it of you!