How's it going guys?! names Ed i am 19 from Baltic, Connecticut. got my self a 93 zj 2 years back. this is most receant pic. in the process of sellin. just waiting on buyer to come up with money. i got a 98 xj waiting to take its place
with the zj it was kinda a 'eh whatever' or ' F*** it' hah. utilizing blocks, F> R swap w/ stock shocks.. hah but my first actual lift for the xj is gonna be the Rough Country 3" with Full packs in the rear and using Stock arms for a litt;e bit till Flex arms. I plan on getting LOTS of armor. im putting the zj tank skid on it and i have a Rusty'soffroad Transmission skid. I Realllllly like the new jcr ultimate delux sliders. so those will be on there in the future. oh and i am Ditching the Red and going white THANKS!
98 xj, 4.0, AW4, 231 AA SYE, 4.5"RE/RC, CA drop brackets, 33s, and some other stuff
wow really?! lol there are so many red XJs its not even funny. i got a buddy in franklin with a 96 xj sport. red. 4.5" and 32s. black cragars. allllll red and black. before i paint it im going to regret driving anywhere with him.. haha
98 xj, 4.0, AW4, 231 AA SYE, 4.5"RE/RC, CA drop brackets, 33s, and some other stuff
but back to burton i like how well white and black look together. and i dont see it much. and no way. i got this baby for 650 and all it needed was a tune up and injectors. which i got for free from a body at JY
98 xj, 4.0, AW4, 231 AA SYE, 4.5"RE/RC, CA drop brackets, 33s, and some other stuff
oh dang meant to say buddy* from JY hah. but yeah its pretty mint all way around. front bumper a little bent but hardly tell. and P.O drove it without hood latched.. durp. so the hood a lil tweaked and panel behind. plus it ripped the antena off but i i tweaked it back the other way so it works ighttt hah and thank you My Lady :Bow: heh
98 xj, 4.0, AW4, 231 AA SYE, 4.5"RE/RC, CA drop brackets, 33s, and some other stuff