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new from the Storrs/UConn area

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  • new from the Storrs/UConn area

    Hey all! I'm new here, and from Coventry, CT. I'm a commuter student at UConn, and have a 2000 Jeep Cherokee. Unfortunately its stock right now, besides 30" tires and a flowmaster. I hate being a broke college kid. I've always loved offroading, even though my experience is more with quads. I saw one of the SiSOffroad videos on youtube and thought it looked like an awesome group of people! I'm a member of as well as NAXJA. I'm currently on my third Cherokee, since the others were totalled by dumb drivers who go too fast in the snow.

    So far this site seems great and I hope to meet lots of new people! If anyones ever near my side of town give me a shout!

    2000 Jeep Cherokee 2" lift, 30x9.5 General Grabber AT2

  • #2
    Welcome to SiS
    - Will

    Originally posted by fizzy
    or am asians pants not a read end lol.
    Originally posted by DizzDizz
    aliens probed my husband


    • #3
      hiii! welcome to SiS
      mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
      2022 JL Rubicon

      Originally posted by hoggie101
      and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


      • #4
        Welcome, do you have a name? Money is prolly tight, but any future plans for the jeep?

        My friends moms brother recently opened a burger place on/near the campus, currently trying to figure out the name, ill be up there quite a bit working there.
        Last edited by LittleD; 09-02-2010, 07:39 PM.
        God made the world in seven days, on the 7th day, he made the Le Car

        Real Jeeps have Unibodys


        • #5
          welcome, dude!

          My cousin goes to UConn, used to have a blue 2-door.
          2000 XJ: "The Black Jeep"
          MK2 Jetta > M3
          Chairman of the Chechnyan Space Program


          • #6
            Welcome dude

            I'm in the area every once in a while, either hangin with friends at uconn or going up to stafford for a race.
            No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

            ForSure Motorsports
            Win or Lose, We Booze.

            Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


            • #7
              2000 XJ with goodies soon to be in pieces
              1999 XJ will get most of the 2000XJ doodads.


              • #8
                Welcome. My girlfriend goes to the Storrs campus. I'm up therre all the time.
                U.S. Army


                • #9
                  That burger place my friends family owns is called Incredible Burgers And Dogs
                  God made the world in seven days, on the 7th day, he made the Le Car

                  Real Jeeps have Unibodys


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by gobigorgohome View Post
                    That burger place my friends family owns is called Incredible Burgers And Dogs
                    nice! I'll have to stop there. My name is Josh, I'm 20, my XJ is fairly easy to spot. Its silver, has loud exhaust, and KC daylighters with the smiley face covers. As for plans, most of my money goes to fixing the jeep. I'm working out the bugs though. I plan on going with the Iron Rock Offroad 3" kit and getting some 245/75/R16s. Just to keep it a good daily driver, since I drive up huge hills commuting to school. I currently have 30" tires on my 16" Icon wheels. I planned on getting the lift this summer but ended up needing a new head (Curse you 0331 head) and new ball joints and brakes. I also had surgery so that prevented me from doing some stuff to the jeep for awhile.

                    I'll definitely need help installing the lift, which is part of the problem. Not sure if I need to save up and have a shop do it, or if there are any around? I have a garage, but only basic and I mean really basic hand tools. In highschool I had a mechanics class and helped restore an old tractor I had, so I'm not afraid of wrenching, just don't have the right tools.

                    2000 Jeep Cherokee 2" lift, 30x9.5 General Grabber AT2


                    • #11
                      I'm sure between three or four people on here, we could accommodate any tool you might end up needing...

                      Aside from a small RE Flex-joint tool
                      2000 XJ: "The Black Jeep"
                      MK2 Jetta > M3
                      Chairman of the Chechnyan Space Program


                      • #12
                        Welcome to the site

                        2012 Honda Accord - For DD/MPG Porpoises - Cooper Tire: Count on Cooper
                        2014 Granite Crystal WK2 Limited - Nitto Tire: Fueled by Enthusiasts

                        Poontang Pro 300EX 42" - For lawn porpoises
                        OG KOT #4736 Semper Sky Rock Racing/Standardbred Racing Designs 15.5 HP Turbo-Cool Craftsman, 6 Spd w/ crawl box, fat turf treads, Custom paint, and a red onzie


                        • #13
                          Welcome man. A lot of us have / had the poor college problem too. Whats your major?
                          I don't always drink orange juice, but when I do, I prefer to chew it. #madpulp


                          • #14
                            Hey Josh, I actually work in Coventry and am there every weekday. I work right down the street from Bidwells


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ninetysix-ex-jay View Post
                              Welcome man. A lot of us have / had the poor college problem too. Whats your major?
                              I'm a Natural Resources major. I like doing stuff outside lol. I think when I finally get a lift I'll just have a wrenching party and provide pizza in exchange for help.

                              2000 Jeep Cherokee 2" lift, 30x9.5 General Grabber AT2

