i have like 20 of them. i'll bring one to you that day. $10.
I responded to your for sale thread and never got a reply haha. If I can pick up the shaft/yoke before the 9th I can have this thing on the road for the 11th
Yeah the long side is the passenger side, I snapped the caps off my u-joint and it caused the shaft and yoke to break where the u-joint mounts, so I need those two parts of the shaft. I've got no idea where you live other than the obvious milford though, if you could PM some details I'd love to come up sometime saturday or sunday because I really want to use 4x4 again haha.
alright sounds good. I have a couple extra 760 u-joints laying around that i had as spares, i don't need em anymore so i'll change out the joint on the shaft for ya. i'll shoot ya a PM tomr.
No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.
ForSure Motorsports
Win or Lose, We Booze.
Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers
alright sounds good. I have a couple extra 760 u-joints laying around that i had as spares, i don't need em anymore so i'll change out the joint on the shaft for ya. i'll shoot ya a PM tomr.
got any front shafts lying around so i can has 4x4