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OER IV - Operation Enduring Realness - July 22nd-24th - Rausch Creek ORP

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  • Originally posted by Schickos881 View Post
    And im going to be trailering my jeep down behind a box truck from work so i have lots of storage space if any1 needs to bring any bulky items down, an extra seat for zullo lol
    holy LAWL

    i will post a list of general care package items, and then upload the original post with them. stand by
    - Will

    Originally posted by fizzy
    or am asians pants not a read end lol.
    Originally posted by DizzDizz
    aliens probed my husband


    • Carepackage Suggestion List.
      Everyone please donate 3-5 dollars with your care package addition, it is to cover flat rate shipping overseas as it is not cheap to send all this. this was a major complication last year we didnt account for. thank you!
      This ALL will be collected the run weekend.

      *Batteries (double and triple A's)
      *Any kind of individually wrapped candies/hard candies for example:
      -(NO CHOCOLATE it melts)
      -Jolly Ranchers
      -Tootsie pops
      *Jerky of any kind
      *Ground coffee/coffee singles/tea bags/iced tea powder/individual flavored creamer packets
      *Protein bars/powder
      *Baked goods (easy to send and VERY appreciated!)
      *1G Thumb drives (I have a bunch of them...found them for $3 a piece)
      *SD cards (see above)
      *Any snacky food - peanuts, cheetos, pretzels, microwave popcorn packets
      *To go with that jars of salsa/tostido cheese (stuff you take for granted at home!)
      *Disposable cameras (good for taking pics of themselves and sending the camera back to their loved ones at home to develop!)
      *Baby wipes/disinfectant wipes (very useful!)
      *Gatorade/energy drinks/tang powder
      *Books/magazines (keep it clean because they can't receive anything that isn't) NO PORN MAGS THIS YEAR!
      *Pens/paper/envelopes to write home with
      *Decks of cards/travel games like checkers, guess who, stuff to pass the time
      *Personal hygeine items like eyewash, nasal spray, chapstick (all good for wind+sand conditions), deoderent, soap, tp, foot powder, etc...the hygeine list goes on and is always needed
      *Medicines like cold meds, asprin, tums, etc...anything from a medicine cabinet
      - Will

      Originally posted by fizzy
      or am asians pants not a read end lol.
      Originally posted by DizzDizz
      aliens probed my husband


      • Originally posted by Schickos881 View Post
        Im in, mostly blues n blacks for me. What kinds of things should i be looking for or obtain for the care package? And im going to be trailering my jeep down behind a box truck from work so i have lots of storage space if any1 needs to bring any bulky items down, such as tables, tents, gear, or an extra seat for zullo lol
        veryyyy funny!!!

        is julie goin with you??? if so don't worry about that seat. i don't wanna make u keep a backseat in the tj. hard enough to fit camping gear without it.

        thanks though guyy
        No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

        ForSure Motorsports
        Win or Lose, We Booze.

        Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


        • Yes julie is coming with me, and i really dont want to put the back seat in on the jeep cause i gotta try to make this D35 last lol. But if you want a ride down to rausch im leavin that friday night, but im stayin till monday, because julie wants to go to hershey park monday.


          • ill also be there . Running blues and blacks .
            Last edited by ErikVilla; 06-03-2011, 08:40 PM.
            01 tj


            • Still debating on going down for this.Zullo,if i go you can ride with me.


              • Originally posted by armadasx View Post
                Still debating on going down for this.Zullo,if i go you can ride with me.
                sounds like a slightly dangerous idea, I'm IN!!!!!
                No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

                ForSure Motorsports
                Win or Lose, We Booze.

                Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


                • for the giveaway i'll talk tim about something as well. i still havent collected on my prize from the october meet and greet. zullo my room needs cleaning get that french maid outfit on. my rig will probably be trailered so expect some stupid skinny pedal action
                  Dizz dizz go sleep sleep

                  Driver 4677 FSM vehicle


                  • trying real hard to get my jeep ready for this... it needs a lot of TLC


                    • So i think this is the year that ill finally make it to OER.
                      Im not gonna build anything crazy between now and then.
                      Im not gonna chop off any limbs.
                      Im not gonna beat the ever living shit outa my jeep

                      ...... who am i kidding. something will happen, always does
                      Originally posted by Ktmracer419
                      some people choose video games
                      some choose projects
                      some choose welding random things together


                      • mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
                        2022 JL Rubicon

                        Originally posted by hoggie101
                        and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


                        • andy's going to drive out to OER and accidentally park over a missile silo. his jeep will be shot into orbit till that monday where he will tell us the lame excuse why he didn't make it
                          I drive a Datsun


                          • my rig wont be drivable anyone gonna have an open passenger seat?
                            Dizz dizz go sleep sleep

                            Driver 4677 FSM vehicle


                            • As of now I do, Diz. More than welcome to hop in.
                              Official Space Shuttle Door Gunner of the Chechnyan Space Program


                              • ok thanks phil. i want that thing to sound like a v8 by the end of the weeknd lol
                                Dizz dizz go sleep sleep

                                Driver 4677 FSM vehicle

