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2011 Club Competition April 8th-10th - SiSOffRoad

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  • i'm judging
    Dizz dizz go sleep sleep

    Driver 4677 FSM vehicle


    • Mite be interested in course helper, what is involved with that?
      1994 ZJ- sold
      1998 XJ-sold
      2011 F-150 ecoboost- daily
      1994 ZJ- 5.5 lift blah blah blah

      - Mike


      • Originally posted by zjfreak94 View Post
        Mite be interested in course helper, what is involved with that?
        you will b my bitch all day lol. no i have absolutley no clue lol. i'm assuming like setting up cones and such and possibly helping roll vehicles back over.
        Dizz dizz go sleep sleep

        Driver 4677 FSM vehicle


        • I just volunturrd for a course helper... name is freebird87 on the RC forum..
          1994 ZJ- sold
          1998 XJ-sold
          2011 F-150 ecoboost- daily
          1994 ZJ- 5.5 lift blah blah blah

          - Mike


          • Originally posted by zjfreak94 View Post
            I just volunturrd for a course helper... name is freebird87 on the RC forum..
            thanks for volunteering you guys
            - Will

            Originally posted by fizzy
            or am asians pants not a read end lol.
            Originally posted by DizzDizz
            aliens probed my husband


            • im reading the points ssystem for the judging so much to remember 8 pages holy wow. anybody competing should read them. and is there an official list of competitors from sis.
              Dizz dizz go sleep sleep

              Driver 4677 FSM vehicle


              • Thanks guys for volunteering, you guys make this possible.

                Don't worry about the rules, most competitors know the rules and anything is questionable you can ask call time out whatever.

                Obviously the normal rules back up is 1 point well that is a direction reversal if you start in reverse you get a back up point when you start going forward. You can travel through the course, any gates etc. forward or backwards it doesn't matter.

                hitting a cone, 10 points, what counts as hitting a cone is if the axle goes over the cone. or any part actually hits the cone.
                You can straddle a cone or extend your bumper over a cone as long as you don't touch it or you axle goes over it.
                A spotter hitting a cone counts as a cone.
                You can only get point for hitting the same cone once so once it is hit run it over all you want.
                If a spotter moves a rock that hits a cone it counts but if your tire shoots a rock out that hits a cone or shifts the ground and it fall over that does not count as a cone until you run over the spot where the cone was.

                Spotter strap counts as 8 point and is only counted once per course. and only counts once tension is applied the spotter can hold it but once he pulls the rope its 8 points.
                They hardly ever get used.

                Don't touch a moving vehicle instant 10 points.

                Out of bounds you can go up to 50% out of bounds in one clean movement like rolling down a hill didn't stop in time. saving a roll. If you inch out of bounds you get a warning you cannot go any further out of bounds. You don't have to back up if you are going parallel or coming in bounds by going forward. Judges are pretty lenient on this just tell the drive before he starts how tight they are calling out of bounds etc.

                Now the course you need to travel the course flow that means you need to go through the cones in order and direction, so if it says go through gate 1 but go on the left side of gate 5 first you need to go on the left side of gate 5 not the right side, this makes it hard. But you can go anyway you want in that area but around or through gates in there order.

                You will see sometimes they have a large area say you cannot make a hard right you can go past it an turn around in the large area this is aloud as long as you don't travel around a gate or through a gate. This is sometimes a hidden way to make a corner without backing up.

                If you go through a gate you can come back through the gate but you will need to go through the gate again before continuing, think of it as you didn't get all the way through the gate the first time.
                This works on all gate except the starting gate. The starting gate turns into out of bounds once you go through it.

                You cannot go through any gate out of order. now a bonus gate sometimes is an alternate route so you can got through the bonus or the gate, or sometimes it is just an extra gate. be careful sometime the gate is easy but traveling the direction of the course leaves you a really hard return.

                Remember this!!

                You need to complete a gate before traveling to the next gate.
                You need to get at least 3 tires through a gate to count as clearing the gate.
                Touching a cone with the tires counts as the tire going through the gate this is the 3 tires dirty rule.

                So essentially you can hit one cone with 3 tires which is basically impossible usually 1 goes through clean but the other 2 can hit the cone.

                You need to be traveling through the gate and get 3 tires through you cannot pull up get one through back up and then get the other 2 through.

                So if you hit a cone use it to your advantage now you can take the easy line.
                Sometimes a bonus while taking a cone out +10 but making the gate -10 cancels each other out is the better line.

                Just saying with 3 tires dirty you can make just about any gate. And use this to your advantage if no one else is making the gate don't spend 8 min trying not to hit the cone just take it out clear the gate and save the time to do better on the rest of the course.

                Time you have 10 minutes to complete the course if you finish it faster it means absolutely nothing so take your time but 10min goes fast.

                Spotters CAN move rocks just don't hit the cone, he can get rocks logs whatever naturally there from anywhere except another course.
                Then at the end you have 3 min to return rocks back to the original spots or else you just helped out all the fallowing teams.
                We always forget to unstack so please remind us.

                Any other questions let me know. I know it is a lot but at the same time it isn't.
                Last edited by customcreationsllc; 03-01-2011, 11:14 AM.
                RCrocs #123 Brown CJ-5

                Corbeau, Tom Wood, PSC, Polyperformance, Inner Air Lock, Miller Welds, Heavymetal Concepts


                • Thays basically what I got lol. And that's an essay u wrote lok
                  Dizz dizz go sleep sleep

                  Driver 4677 FSM vehicle


                  • can i run 38 inch creepy crawlers?
                    2 Broncos are better than 1


                    • i dont see why not
                      - Will

                      Originally posted by fizzy
                      or am asians pants not a read end lol.
                      Originally posted by DizzDizz
                      aliens probed my husband


                      • Originally posted by Customjob View Post
                        can i run 38 inch creepy crawlers?
                        We had all class 2 rigs so yes you would be our one class 3 rig
                        RCrocs #123 Brown CJ-5

                        Corbeau, Tom Wood, PSC, Polyperformance, Inner Air Lock, Miller Welds, Heavymetal Concepts


                        • i'm pumped for this shit lol wanna go wheeling so bad lol
                          Dizz dizz go sleep sleep

                          Driver 4677 FSM vehicle


                          • Originally posted by Customjob View Post
                            can i run 38 inch creepy crawlers?
                            as long as you don't roll onto me. i will never stand near your rig in the comp course again.... sorry buddy
                            No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

                            ForSure Motorsports
                            Win or Lose, We Booze.

                            Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


                            • Originally posted by JeepBabiiXJ View Post
                              as long as you don't roll onto me. i will never stand near your rig in the comp course again.... sorry buddy
                              why you sorry? I almost killed you.
                              2 Broncos are better than 1


                              • They are still looking for judges and helpers I believe. C'Mon let's represent
                                1994 ZJ- sold
                                1998 XJ-sold
                                2011 F-150 ecoboost- daily
                                1994 ZJ- 5.5 lift blah blah blah

                                - Mike

