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this brings the lulz

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  • this brings the lulz

    went down to exit 2 in danbury to see some old friends. buddy of mine has a turbo camaro hitting about 650 @ 12psi. some random dude with an 80's vette comes up to us asking my friend to race. it has "undisputed" on the windshield.

    heres the funny:

    Guy: Wanna race?
    Jon (my friend): sure why not. what do you have done.
    Guy: oh you know a little bit of this a little bit of that

    now at that point i wanna punch this dude. i hate people like that. theres no money thrown down, no stakes. but still wont say what he has done as if he has a super duper secret that nobody can know. ok fine whatever heres where it gets interesting.

    Me: can i take a look at the heartbeat of your whip, looks like a clean ride
    Guy: nah man my hood doesnt open....its welded shut
    Me: your full of shit. 1. oil needs to be changed, meaning hood has to open. 2. Your year has a top side filter. and 3. you are driving a car that is registered in NY and that shit would never pass inspection. Talk your fail to someone else

    at that point i had people around me doing the all to well known fast and the furious "OoOoOoOoO!!!!!"

    he continued to talk up until race time when my friend left the parking lot to line up, turbo spooling and this dudes friends tried to stop the race from happening saying "dude dont do it its turbo'd!!!"

    i love when people make themselves look even dumber by talking massive shit and getting called out on everythnig they said.

    and the turbo camaro owned.

    for those in the danbury area. its an orange camaro with dual white stripes. thing is freaking beast!!!!! i posted a video of it awhile back. i'll try an dig it up
    Originally posted by HitItWithSomeSpeed
    didnt this thread start with Jon being gay? what happened to that?
    Originally posted by Lawn Guyland
    he's still gay we've just moved on to more important issues
    Originally posted by Zullius Caesar
    i grab dude's junk all the time, doesn't make me gay.